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  1. S

    I am word of seven letters! people eat me! If u remove 1 letter i wil be a

    form of game, If u remove my first? I am word of seven letters! people eat me! If u remove 1 letter i wil be a form of game, If u remove my first 2 letters i wil be needed for driving, If u remove first 3 letters i wil be a adjactive, If u remove my first 4 letters i wil become a season for u.
  2. S

    DVD-RW HELP ASAP (pls fckin read,carefully)?

    The guy sold u fake dvds which are not empty and ''RW'' look at the bottom of the dvd if you see a ring in that reflective surface it means sumthing has been written on it.
  3. S

    I did a hard reset on my nokia e7 running on symbian belle..?

    my nokia e7 was not not booting up. so i did a hard reset . and the phone seems to be missing the ovi store and a few other applications i don't know which. please help me on how to get back the apps on my nokia e7 .
  4. S

    Nokia c5 sound?help please?

    Guys i jst wanna ask about sound of nokia c5 HOW IS IT? Because i m going to buy this phone very soon
  5. S

    Should u get an IPad 2 or a laptop?

    get ipad 2 its just more portable
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    can we keep parrot cichlids fishes in 15 gallons tank?

    i have a 15 gallon tank and im thinking of keeping parrot cichlids in my tank .so how many i can keep?
  7. S

    jokes please i need jokes?

    plz can anyone tell me where i can subscribe for the jokes or can anyone send me a joke to my inbox my e mail id is [email protected] plz tell me
  8. S

    i need help with meeting someone?

    just try googling the number or try finding his blog ...
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    how to download movies using torrent?

    i want to download some hindi movies using torrent......... i know i can download it ... but i dont know how............ please explain from the starting
  10. S

    hey do u no any site where i can download Hollywood movies for free?

    Now the real challenge. Plz find the movies that are of hollywood but are dubbed in Hindi. Like hindi dubbed first strike. The person to give me the right answer would be the best answerer in the whole yahoo community. Thank u