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  1. R

    Is it not a bit unchristian of the Christians here who constantly insult

    We tell you how God judges. We can't judge anything or anyone. We are ALL sinners. Only Jesus can judge!
  2. R

    Christians, did you know that Atheists have no sins.?

    Then, according to you, you are God. I do believe that is what is considered blasphemy!
  3. R

    Ex-Christians Atheists, what actually didn't make sense in Xianity?

    Ex-Christians is an oxymoron. Ever hear of eternal salvation? Once you have it, you ALWAYS have it!
  4. R

    Why do Christians post here on R&S, when?........?

    Ever hear of the Great Commission?? Matthew 28:19-20 contains what has come to be called the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded...
  5. R

    Poll: What are your religious beliefs?

    Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I will praise Him for what He did for me. Only He deserves all glory, honor and praise!
  6. R

    Christians, is the Old Testament important or not?

    Absolutely. The Old Testament tells us why we need the New Testament. Law -> Grace!
  7. R

    Website to share the Gospel?

    Try this one:
  8. R

    The riots in UK and the connection to the book of revelations, tell me more.?

    The riots are a result of no discipline and a rebellious nature. Boy, if my kid was ever involved in such a hateful outburst of crime, I'd smack him/her silly!
  9. R

    Why did Jesus Christ suffer for us the way He did.?

    What better reason could there be but love? John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
  10. R

    Who is the Great harlot called Babylon in the bible prophecy?

    False religions. You will find out very soon...
  11. R

    Christians: Is the church simpy the body of Christ? what is your definition?

    According to the bible, the Church is the body of Christ.
  12. R

    What prophecies have been fulfilled?

    Too many to list:
  13. R

    Jesus Christ sacrificed himself on the cross to let everyone know that he was there?

    Nope. He sacrificed Himself on the cross so that you can have eternity with Him.
  14. R

    Is there a right religion?

    John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
  15. R

    I thought the fulfilled prophecies were part of the strength of the...

    You don't need a Christian before reading the bible. You need the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit to interpret what you're reading. To the unsaved, the bible is written in a different language!
  16. R

    Is the ego the reason people reject Christ and ridicule his followers?

    I hear it's foolishness! Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
  17. R

    Christians, is God against divination?

    YUP! There are many types of superstitions in the world, ranging from the benign—such as not walking under a ladder—to the occult practices of astrology, black magic, divination, voodoo and sorcery. Scripture condemns those who practice astrology (Deuteronomy 4:19), magic, divination and...
  18. R

    Christians, what happens if...?

    It'll never happen. What is written in scripture is what is really going to happen. And, according to scripture, the Antichrist WILL be born and he WILL rule for 7 years before Christ returns.