Search results

  1. J

    Who is your favorite celebrity(s) and why?

    ashton kutcher cause i want his bone!
  2. J

    What celebrity do u wanna be for a day?

    demi moore so i can PHUCK ASHTON KUTCHER ooh yeah :) mmmmm
  3. J

    what's your opinion on hunting for sport?

    i hate it killing is wrong
  4. J

    what's your opinion on hunting for sport?

    i hate it killing is wrong
  5. J

    Are you using fire fox or internet explorer right now?

    IE at the moment, but normally its fox
  6. J

    Name an over-rated celebrity?

    Lindsay SlutHAN
  7. J

    where can I find a paper doll game?

    I am looking for an online games where I can play with paper dolls, or avatars, I found one site called stardoll that was pretty good, but you had to pay for it, im looking for something free, maybe where you have to play games to buy clothes, or something. does anyone know anywhere? by the way...