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  1. J

    help on gamestop trade im offers?

    i want to trade in my 360 for the slim but i have a few questions. will i get the extra 25 even though im putting my system trade in towards the slim? will the 25 trade ingames still be a valid offer?will i stoll get 10 bucks for tradin in 3 games? what are these items valued at: halo 3 halo...
  2. J

    Accidents on i-90 or i-94 involving a exterminater truck.. Tryn to find my...

    Call the state police in the state(s) where those 2 roads are located.
  3. J

    Why are fundamental and Basic flaws in Bible swiftly overlooked while arguing...

    Even if old earth creation were true, how did the basic elements come into being? The Being who created the universe is unable to be explained by the human mind. God knew about the "Tree of Knowledge incident" in advance. He made man with a free will...and man messed up not just Eve. In terms of...
  4. J

    your take on global warming?

    It's a farce.
  5. J

    your take on global warming?

    It's a farce.
  6. J

    Has anyone else reconsidered religion?

    So my parents were forcing me to go to church (3 hours daily) because this priest came and he told us how the apocalypse is drawing nearer and how Obama was the devil (abortion, no healthcare for people over 75, etc.) and about sweatshops in China. Anyways, two weeks ago, there was a lasy in...
  7. J

    FBI can hear us even when our cell phones are off? (speaker phone)?

    No, they used to be able to do this, but now unless they have a court order from a special court put into effect they can not moniter the conversations of US citizens. Maybe 15 years ago they could. Of course they may still be listening in without government approval.
  8. J

    No sound out coming from Internet?

    Does it work using I.E?
  9. J

    Predictions for the year 2050?

    What do you think the works will be like then? I mean we started off the 20th century riding horses and ended it flying planes. Any predictions on what will happen this century? Like maybe inventing a pill that let's you live forever or finding alien life? And none of that end-of-the-world 2012...
  10. J

    bears fans who do u think we should pick up in the draft?

    Offensive linemen that can block (for forte). We have a solid qb in Orton.
  11. J

    lip piercing starting to sink into gum?

    Just use it on me first.
  12. J

    Hi, I wanted to know that if I buy some PS3 games in India, would they work back...

    Of course they would; just don't buy major electronics in which you would need a power converter.
  13. J

    subway commercial conspiracy?

    because the buckeyes suck
  14. J

    colts or jaguars tonight ? MY BET?

    If you bet $8000 on a football game, you're an idiot. But I do think they will win by that much, but still, your an idiot.
  15. J

    NFL Playoffs, predictions?

    I still can't make an unbiased prediction (same as you) since my team is still in it (Bears).
  16. J

    Yay my Jaguars beat the Fackers!!!!?

    Yay! The Jaguars lost to MY Bears, who beat the Slackers! I am so happy because: a) Your team beat the Packers (which suck) and b) My team beat your team, which makes me happy all-around.
  17. J

    Yay my Jaguars beat the Fackers!!!!?

    Yay! The Jaguars lost to MY Bears, who beat the Slackers! I am so happy because: a) Your team beat the Packers (which suck) and b) My team beat your team, which makes me happy all-around.