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  1. G

    what does trace mean in the nutrition information?

    It means there's a teeny tiny bit but it's so insignificant that it can't be measured.
  2. G

    Can K750i surf the internet with no credit on pay as you go?

    Yesterday I downloaded Opera Mini on my K750i I am on pay as you go T-Mobile with 0p credit As soon as I downloaded it the internet worked straight away? I really don't understand why but I've been going on facebook... talking to people on myspace and searching through google. Surely nothing...
  3. G

    the future of minority groups in the uk?

    So basically you have no question? Forget minorities, if I were going to post a hateful rant on here it would be about our education system, it's failed you so badly.
  4. G

    BNP complaining to the police?

    It's hilarious really, one of them was quoted as saying if it was known he was a member of the BNP he could lose his job - and yet they still say they're a legitimate party and do not support racism or discrimination. If that's so, why the fear, Mr BNP member?
  5. G

    Every body involved in baby p's death?

    Well, the mother and boyfriend destroyed the cot and thus the evidence that could have seen them tried for murder, but I think they should receive the maximum sentence available for causing or allowing a death. I don't believe that all the police, doctors and social workers involved should be...
  6. G

    Do you think that a gay man could be flattered if a woman fancies them?

    My friends told a gay guy I fancied him once, he said he was flattered, although he was probably just being polite.
  7. G

    ok turned to bbc1 to watch songs of praise cant be on only musicals which...

    WTF? They're playing musicals on BBC instead of Songs of Praise? Or the choir on Songs of Praise are singing songs from musicals? I'm kind of glad to have met the only person on earth who watches Songs of Praise, but really, you should spend the half hour practising your grammar and punctuation.
  8. G

    amazing drug addict celebs got nothing better to do than push obama?

    I don't think saying you're glad he won counts as "pushing" him. It's called an opinion, celebrities are entitled to one and tragically, so are you.
  9. G

    does anone know where I can get a nice "corset" like top for my birthday

    La Senza should have some in your price range.
  10. G

    does anone know where I can get a nice "corset" like top for my birthday

    La Senza should have some in your price range.