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  1. O

    Tonights Celeb Come Dine With Me?

    Damn, I missed it. Forgot it was on.
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    Celebrity minefield clearance!!! who?

    Oh there are so many I don't know where to start. Ok. Ricky Gervaise, Johnny Vegas, Vernon Kaye (and his missus) Holly Willoughby, Lulu, the finance correspondent on BBC news, Mariah Carey, Terry Wogan. Oh there's not enough space, and yes, blindfold them all, and give them those big clown feet...
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    Celebrity Big Brother: Is anyone...?

    Any chance of you putting these endless CBB questions in the correct category of Reality Television?
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    Compassionate, Caring Labour Pt III - Tax on "nice houses"?

    This pile of shite are beyond the pale. Whatever next, I dread hearing the news in the morning in case they have come up with some other hare-brained scheme to extract more moola from us. And Guy, I AM a Tory, and abhor Liarbour and all it stands for.
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    Compassionate, Caring Labour Pt III - Tax on "nice houses"?

    This pile of shite are beyond the pale. Whatever next, I dread hearing the news in the morning in case they have come up with some other hare-brained scheme to extract more moola from us. And Guy, I AM a Tory, and abhor Liarbour and all it stands for.
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    Government credit card introduction U-Turn ?

    There are some people who are so desperate that they would borrow from anyone at any interest. This is only what I've come to expect from Brown and his thuggish henchmen.
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    Why do people eat pigs if they know that they eat their own dirt and it's not

    I don't know who has been telling you this rubbish, but I suggest you stop listening to them. My uncle was a pig farmer and none of the nonsense you are spouting is true. God told St Peter it was ok to eat pigs.
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    What is GREAT about great britain?

    The only thing great about Britain is the debt.
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    Is the introduction of Id cards a waste of taxpayers money?

    Yes it is a waste of money. Also very dangerous when you think what could happen to our data.
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    Is one of the problems with this year's "Celebrity" going to be that there

    I'm really warming to Joe. He's so funny.
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    Do you, like me feel rather sorry for David in "Celebrity" for becoming quickly so...

    He's obnoxious, as vile as he was in that "Stars trying to resurrect their dying careers in the USA"
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    Should there be more action over Haringey ?

    Whoever made the decision (however many of them there was) to leave the baby with his monster of a mother must be sacked and prosecuted.
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    Harold's new girlfriend in Neighbours?

    Didn't the actress who plays Harold's new girlfriend used to be in Neighbours many years ago? I think she played Mrs Mangel's daughter, Plain Jane's mother, and if so wouldn't Harold have recognised her?