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  1. M

    is the lg viewty worth buying?

    the phone
  2. M

    Workout routine intense enough ?

    .... no one but you can decide that, we dont know what your feeling. vIf your too fatigued take some off but if you can handle more do some more...
  3. M

    Why does Brock Lesner get such a bad rap in the UFC?

    Because he was in the WWE, he got a title fight rather quickly, Randy Couture is much more likeable and entertaining, etc.. and yea haha i just watched that i noticed when he said that too.
  4. M

    What fighting style do you feel is under-utilized in MMA and why?

    Aside from some of the most common like bjj, muay thai, wrestling.
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    Changing workout routine?

    I want to have an alternate routine for every other month or so. what can i do to change it? do i add more weight, do less weight/ more reps/ or do different exercises? I dont need some preset routine i was just wondering what is considered change in a routine enough to get over a plateau?
  6. M

    Every martial art allowed in MMA?

    Can somebody list em? Thanks in Advance.
  7. M

    Help convincing parents about MMA?

    Im 16 ive been playing tennis for 10 years but I always enjoyed more combat oriented activities and such. They let me take the trial course but said its too expensive at about $175 a month with the economy right now. They might reconsider for the holidays and i offered to get a job but I was...
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    what game would you reccomend to get on xbox 360?

    dont ask what i like, im just would like to see what types of games that people like
  9. M

    In Season 7, episode #18 titled, Apocalypse, We have seen Lana in a...

    ...picture with someone that she married.? I know its just an alternate reality. I was wondering if Lana is going to be with that person for the rest of her life. Besides, she is done with Whitney in Season 1 and Jason in Season 4. Well, Lana cares about Clark but she wants to have a normal...