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  1. D

    Why does the left think it is funny when you talk about raping or hurting a

    They don't. The fact that you continue to make this misstatement is insulting and demeaning. Quit it!
  2. D

    Can one be truely moral without a religion ?

    Neither morality nor ethics are in any way dependent on religion. I am athiest and would be more than willing to have other people take a look at my morality. Never in trouble with the law. Faithfully married for almost 50 years. Always willing to help a friend and always answer the call of the...
  3. D

    What are some good arguing points in a debate against religion?

    There is ABSOLUTELY NO credible, tangible, verifiable, concrete, or irrefutable evidence of any 'god'. Now, tell your friends to prove otherwise, using real facts and data, not inference. Remember, once they say, "goddidit," they are totally out of ammo.
  4. D

    Do you avoid ALL religions?

    Yes, because all religions are utterly indistinguishable from superstition.
  5. D

    Are Republicans acting petty over Obama's oversea trip?

    Republicans are acting like a bunch of little girls.
  6. D

    Are Republicans acting petty over Obama's oversea trip?

    Republicans are acting like a bunch of little girls.
  7. D

    People who support the special AIG tax, how would you react if a future...

    Not if my favorite political organization begged for bail-out money in front of the Congress and then used the money to pay bonuses to executives.
  8. D

    Should people on public assistance have cell phones, cars, cable, etc...?

    Wow. You sound like an authoritarian communist. Maybe you'd like slavery brought back. If people are receiving public assistance, maybe, by your standards, they should all wear yellow stars of David on their shirts.
  9. D

    Has the internet damaged the quality of our News media by changing it from

    Now you want a subsidy for newspaper publishers? Don't EVEN go there.
  10. D

    Why do Dems drop out of school and then complain about hard working...

    This past election, more people with college degrees (and higher) voted for Obama than McCain. Your thesis is so flawed it's hard to answer your question.
  11. D

    Is entrenched political and social division going to be a fact of life for

    There is a deep and persistent rift between conservatives and progressives. Conservatives want to embrace (and even live in) the past. Progressives see the possibility of a brighter, better future for America and the world, but know that the journey will be arduous and fraught with peril. Still...
  12. D

    Is it a pr-requisite to be pro-religion to discuss religion or can we all join in?

    I'm here, and I'm a proud, standing-tall atheist!
  13. D

    Re:David Axlerod on Meet the Press?Is stuttering contagious in Obama 's...

    No. But it's just like a Repukelican to criticize someone on their physical appearance or abilities rather than to discuss issues. Repukelicans DON'T have any traction when it comes ot ISSUES!
  14. D

    Isn't it rude to discuss religion.........................?

    No Tequila For You. Next Customer!
  15. D

    When the economy really tanks, who will pay the rightwing posters for their

    anti-Obama rants? Will they stand on street corners, hat in hand, with a sign saying, "I'll diss Obama for pocket change?"
  16. D

    Hollywood for Obama - Nifty, right?

    I think it's.... good grief. NIfty? I haven't seen that word for... heh.. FIFTY years. What an old timer's word. But, yeah, it's .... nifty.... and didn't you get the nice MEMO? McCain/Palin theMoron didn't get all that money, and they LOST! BIG TIME!
  17. D

    Instead of being on vacation shouldn’t Obama? ?

    He's not a senator any more. He's not president, either. He's a private citizen taking a vacation. Are you a socialist? You sure sound like a socialist? Or even a full-fledged liberal, worrying about what other people do with their money and time.
  18. D

    Should there be a law to prohibit celebrities to express their political...

    No. Should there be a low prohibiting a nobody from presenting a political view to the public?
  19. D

    so many different religions...somebody's wrong people..?

    Ahhhh... if you see any credible, tangible, verifiable evidence of a 'god' give me a call. Otherwise, I'll just read this nice book.....