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  1. K

    I m using my id in nokia symbian i del. My imp. Mailfrom inbox and delete...

    ...mail folder too. How to recover that? Email recovery from delete or trash folder.
  2. K

    my penis is cut and healing funny?

    apply antibiotic cream on cut portion for few days,bending is no problem
  3. K

    How to delete music from itunes from a Motorola L6 Phone?

    How can i delete music from itunes from my motorola l6 phone, i have downloaded itunes but i dont know what to do from there? Can anyone help me in this. any help will be a appreciated. Thanks Krishan
  4. K

    Budgie Help! why it bites and flys away!?

    I have been taming my budgie for 2/3 weeks now.. it sits on my shoulder and is finger tamed so theres no problem there, sometimes when hes on my finger he starts biting and it really hurts, can any1 tell me why he does this? Also sometimes he flys off my shoulder, i dont want to go and get him...
  5. K

    Pet Budgieee Help!!!!!!!?

    Hey, ive got a budgie which is about 2 months old, it can fly now, and it also hatched from our 2 pet breeding budgies and now ive brought it inside so i can start taming it... but the thing is its feathers are all fluffed out i think, and also it doesnt stop eating its food seeds, is there...