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  1. A

    Do I look like John Cruise from top gun?

    it's Tom Cruise bro.
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    POLL: Are you black, white brown or yellow?

    I just used the colours to simplify the question. BQ: Guess what colour I am. I wish I was green :(
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    Poll: Why are girls more sensitive than guys?

    All the hormones and crap.
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    Why are all famous people short?

    Because short people are the best.
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    10 points best answer! You know any really funny jokes i could hear?

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    should i get at&t or verizon? best answer 10 points?

    verizon is much better pricewise and quality wise at&t phones are NOT very reliable
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    Is a reliable and a true website for predicting future? is a website which a friend of mine uses. He says that Peter can answer any question related to my family or anything. He also says that he can tell us about our future. Is it true?
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    If Sarah Paling went deer hunting and returned with the head of Osama bin Laden,...

    ...would you still quiestion ? her readiness for the Office of Commander in Chief?
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    DOW is down to 8755. Will my three week ago prediction of the DOW bottoming out...

    chi, it will dip under 8 and go over 10 by the end of the month october historically has been a bad month hasn't it?