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  1. G

    Do people get to old for pop up cards?

    No, they're great fun for everyone.
  2. G

    How do you feel when someone does not stick to their end of the bargain

    Send them an abusive email, as normal.
  3. G

    Is it legal in the UK for a shop-window mannequin (a display model) to...

    Make sure you get the mannequins permission or you'll get done for kidnapping you motorcycling sausage.
  4. G

    Do you think Evertons Marouane Fellaini looks like screech from Saved by the

    Strange how you never see them in the same room together.
  5. G

    How many conspiracy theorists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    1 to hold it and another 1000 to twist it.
  6. G

    My Mum And Her CAR !!!?

    Why have you got a car when you're not old enough to drive?
  7. G

    Punch a celebrity today!.?

    Venessa Phelps, BIG STYLE!