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  1. L

    Is there any way that I can sue Chrysler Financial if they are constantly...

    They don't want to repossess the vehicle, that's why they wouldn't when you asked them to. They will eventually if it's been long enough (at least 6 months or more w/o payments) but if your mom hid the truck after that point they couldn't get it. I don't think you have grounds to sue for...
  2. L

    How Many Smokers Are Okay With Obama's Tax Hike Signed Yesterday?

    I wouldn't have a problem with the tax honestly (i really need to quit smoking, and I have gradually cut down on how much i smoke as price has gone up) IF this money woudn't be squandered. Our gov't spends tax dollars like there's no tomorrow. The people I know that have the same wasteful...
  3. L

    Can you give me a list of all bands and hollywood people that endorse Obama?

    You may as well shut off your satellite/cable programming. Most of them do. (at least the ones that talk about their political views) I agree with Grizzly that it comes down to cd or movie sales. They don't want to alienate their primary audience.
  4. L

    Can you give me a list of all bands and hollywood people that endorse Obama?

    You may as well shut off your satellite/cable programming. Most of them do. (at least the ones that talk about their political views) I agree with Grizzly that it comes down to cd or movie sales. They don't want to alienate their primary audience.