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  1. E

    In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

    We will remember that Obama created the pasting affect with his socialism.
  2. E

    Why do liberals think 250k is a lot of money?

    They are wacko
  3. E

    Who has more influence? Rupert Murdoch or Roger Ailes?

    Both are powerful. But I would put my money on George Soros if OBama is re-elected.
  4. E

    How much does it cost to "lift" a pickup truck?

    I am just curious how much does it cost to lift a pickup truck? An average cost would be fine. I think they would charge by how many inches you wanted to lift it. Thanks.
  5. E

    Do It Yourself SUV Oil Change?

    1) How hard is it to change the oil of a SUV? 2) How much approximately will it cost to get the supplies to do an oil change? What to I need other than oil and filter? Thanks.
  6. E

    Seeding a Torrent and Demonoid?

    I noticed that some of my torrents are automatically seeded. I am using the uTorrent program. 1) Does seeding compromise the security of my computer? 2) How do I remove these seeds? 3) Will removing these seeds lower my ratio on Thanks.
  7. E

    Does anyone here buy into the Conspiracy of the Illuminati?

    No. I've read all of Dan Brown's books including: Angles and Demons and the De Vinci Code. I will admit that both the aforementioned books peaked my interest enough to do some research. But alias, there is nothing in the books that resembles reality, but it was great to imagine that kind of...
  8. E

    What issue(s) is/are you concerned with?

    Describe an issue of personal, local, national or international concern. Brief or in detail. Thank you.(Nothing about the economy)
  9. E

    Who would like to meet Franken Nancy In Person?

    WHo is Franken Nancy?
  10. E

    Why does the media rip George W. Bush for taking a "vacation," yet they have

    Because the MEDIA hates the guy. The alphabet news networks rag on Bush and continually give BHO a pass to the point of making me nauseous. Here a little bit of advise for what it's worth; believe nothing of what you hear and only have of what you see, went it comes to the Press. Bush deserves...
  11. E

    If Toyota, Honda, Subaru and other foreign car companies with plants in the

    They don;t because they pay the workers $42 per hour as opposed to the big 3 who pay their workers $72 per hour. Who's the greedy ones, the big three, or the UAW?
  12. E

    Where to complain about the actions of one state against residents of another state?

    If you are that upset, you'll need a Lawyer. One who specializes in the this kind of thing.
  13. E

    How can I get my Hp Computer to show on my TV?

    Ok, I want to put my computer to show up on the Tv like if it was on a projecter where you can see the main screen and what I open up and so on
  14. E

    Should a 7-year old be punished for driving a dodge pickup? "I wanted to do it 'cause it's fun. Fun to do bad things." - 51 seconds. What is your opinion on this matter? Punishment revealed at end of this short video.
  15. E

    Obama meets with McCain on Monday?

    McCain Obama, Obama McCain, there is no difference between the two. Both will make thing worse before they get better.
  16. E

    Has anyone noticed the similarities between Obama and Abraham Lincoln?

    OH, Please don't compare the empty suit to one of our greatest Presidents.