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  1. D

    Why is anyone surprised that 99 percent of the 99 percent of OWS turned?

    No, you just described the average liberal*******************************************************************************************************************************
  2. D

    how long before time travel ?

    Not far off, I think the Chinese will be the first, since the government is slowing NASA down, so we will lose our best scientists`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  3. D

    What does it mean when you see two black SUVs with tinted windows driving?

    My guess would be the Secret Service or F.B.I. in the black SUV's```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  4. D

    Is Obama trip to India first billion dollar vacation in history?

    Yes, but it is the first MULTI-Billion dollar Vacation````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  5. D

    Is Obama trip to India first billion dollar vacation in history?

    Yes, but it is the first MULTI-Billion dollar Vacation````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  6. D

    Why won't the GOP ever tell of Lincoln's only motive for "freeing the slaves"?

    Does the motive really matter, as long as the end result was the slaves freedom, I'm sure they did care about the motive, but the result of Lincoln's actions*************************************
  7. D

    need help on tobacco ban project?

    I don't think Obama and Nancy want a bunch of smokers showing up at the White House , that have been without a cigarette for a week or two ,they think tea baggers were bad, they haven't seen anything yet************************************
  8. D

    Can you think of any president who, while in office, publicly whined

    If he can't take it now, I don't what he will do if the media ever turns on him, like they did Bush and Palin******************************************
  9. D

    If racism wasn't a component of the demonstration in DC why did so many people

    How is racism involved in that, I didn't see any white robes or hoods, I didn't see any crosses burning,if you can jump to that conclusion, then you can look at any demonstration and label it any way you wish, can we say the anti-war demonstrations of the 60's was for more troops being sent to...
  10. D

    Will President Obama please allow us to introduce him to candidate Obama?

    That would be wild, just like introducing day to night************
  11. D

    Will Washington DC be renamed once the U.S.S.A is established?

    It will be named the Kremlin West************
  12. D

    Why is Palin even being talked about as a future possible Presidential...

    Because she makes the libs tremble at her approach, she id the most down to earth candidate we have had in a long time, I hope she will run in 2012, the liberal media made her look bad, if they had went after Obama or you or me, they would have made us look like fools too, break away from the...
  13. D

    Did Lincoln want to start a war?

    Lincoln had a few choices here, he could have offered to resign if this would bring the nation back together he could have let the South go without a fight and possibility work out their differences in the future or start the war by sending the ship of supplies and troops into a foreign harbor...
  14. D

    Big Gas Guzzlers made by GM and Ford and Chrysler caused high gas prices?

    the Liberals NOT letting us DRILL for more OIL in the past 25 years is the REASON for HIGH GAS prices the 25 year oil drilling ban just expired this year and Pelosi promised if Obama was elected, they would reinstate the ban people say well if we drill , we won't get the oil for X number of...
  15. D

    Ok Dems answer me this please. 4 years ago you were complaining about how bad the...

    Socialized Housing didn't work, Socialized economy won't work, Socialized Medicine will not work Obama's CHANGE means that's all you will have left is the loose CHANGE in your pockets
  16. D

    Why so many people complain about 250k tax rate increase?

    If he's elected and you boss gives you a lay off slip, because they must cut back to meet the new tax code, don't complain about it
  17. D

    Should McCain get credit for publicly saying "Obama is not an arab?" Who

    Obama is a Arab, why did he change his name Cassius Clay changed his name, when he changed his belief to the Islamic religion to Muhammad Ali it's a tradition
  18. D

    What do you think about Nostradamus saying" the black one, irate, will make him

    regret it"? The history channel is airing Nostradamus: 500 years later, and they just said that line, just wondered
  19. D

    What do you think about Nostradamus saying" the black one, irate, will make

    him regret it"? The history channel is airing Nostradamus: 500 years later, and they just said that line, just wondered