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  1. N

    Judaism-Just a religion or an ethnic group?

    Judaism is an ethnic religion as opposed to Christianity and Islam, which are universalizing religions.
  2. N

    would some accommodating religious nutjob give us atheists an example of a

    Hey Olderman; don't you think that was kind of a no-brainer? If I hold an anvil over my foot and say it's gonna hurt when I drop it that isn't exactly a prophecy.
  3. N

    Ares and Aphrodite....?

    Magic Eight Ball says "Could be".
  4. N

    I dont believe in god, but im interested on what Christians think about this....

    Those things would be irrelevant. Jesus is said to have gone on a rampage through temples to protest greed and avarice, and to have preached tolerance. Since drug prohibition is based on greed and racism (do a search on "Anslinger Hearst DuPont marijuana") he would probably have used his own...
  5. N

    who would win in a fight til death, Budda or allah?

    Buddha is dead and there's nothing to support the belief that Allah ever existed, so it's kind of a tie.
  6. N

    Why are there so many religions? How did they exist?

    They were created to explain the unknown, and developed into a form of control.
  7. N

    who would win in a fight til death, Budda or allah?

    Buddha is dead and there's nothing to support the belief that Allah ever existed, so it's kind of a tie.
  8. N

    Where have all of the interesting people gone? I miss the sarcasm, the humor, the

    Um. It's 4:30 am in the middle of the country, on a Saturday.
  9. N

    Who can list the most Banking Conspiracy Theories?

    The Federal Reserve System is a government agency. The Gold Standard can't work because there's not enough gold. That's all I can think of offhand...
  10. N

    Questions on politics, patriotism and the media?

    Patriotism is very poorly understood by most people. I believe Samuel Clemens described it best when he said: "Patriotism is supporting your country all of the time and your government when it deserves it." The media is controlled by the corporate interests who own them and ultimately run our...
  11. N

    Obama has 4 years to fulfill the 2012 prophecy. Think about that...?

    Yes, it's a coincidence. If the prophecy is true there's nothing he can do about it.
  12. N

    What are the most ridiculous rumors you have heard about Barack Obama?

    The most ridiculous one to me is the claim that he's muslim, usually coming from the same people who say he attended a Christian church for over 20 years and the pastor was a radical.
  13. N

    BAILOUT For the Big Three Car Makers ? YOUR PREDICTION? ..... PLEASE....?

    It's a loan, not a bailout; and one of the Big Three (Ford) has said they don't need it. Completely unlike the financial institutions, which DID get a bailout.
  14. N

    Why would a guy that claims to be an "asskicker" on YA politics punk out and...

    There are a lot of people who are really too immature for what they try to do here - like the cowards who report something they don't like as a violation. Comes with the territory.
  15. N

    Why would a guy that claims to be an "asskicker" on YA politics punk out and...

    There are a lot of people who are really too immature for what they try to do here - like the cowards who report something they don't like as a violation. Comes with the territory.
  16. N

    Have you ever deleted or reported someone in the Election or Politics section?

    Yes, I've been reported often for giving an answer that the asker didn't like. It's like a little kid sitting on the playground screaming "He said something I didn't like! I'm telling!" Pathetic. But (being a libertarian and fond of freedom) I've only made one violation report, and that was...
  17. N

    Did pro gay marriage activists agree to have a vote on the issue?

    Marriage was never a civil right? So you're suggesting that people have to request permission from... who, exactly? to get married. That's quite ignorant. Marriage, as illustrated by archaeology, predates both government and religion. Neither have any legitimate authority over it.
  18. N

    after the president retires why cant he or she return to politics and serve ?

    They can, but no one can serve more than two terms as President.
  19. N

    How come democrats scream Constitution with gay marriage but protest the prop 8?

    Either marriage between two consenting adults is a right, or it isn't. Considering that marriage predates both government and religion, neither have any legitimate authority over it. Don't believe everything you think; your version of "morality" is not by any means authoritative, or necessarily...
  20. N

    How would Gerald Ford have handled the Iran hostage crisis if he defeated Carter

    He might have recognized the complicity of the U.S. government in the situation.