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  1. S

    From a religious aspect: What's your favorite part about your country and

    did you just ask this question because you wanted an excuse to talk about yourself? favourite part of my country is that very few people follow any religion so there's very little bullsh*t going on. i live in england and im an atheist
  2. S

    How can anyone with any intelligence what so ever believe in religion?

    Even the most intelligent person can be brainwashed.
  3. S

    How can you argue with over 350 fulfilled Bible prophecies?

    Ok, give me some that have been fulfilled, and prove it. the biblical prophecies are so vague you can make anything fit.
  4. S

    Why don't people know their own religion?

    You're generalising and presuming that all christians are violent and will kill non-believers, when in fact it's probably something like 0.001% of christians who are violent, and they arent really christians at all. Just like terrorists aren't real muslims.
  5. S

    what religion is the true religion?

    If you figure this one out then you would have solved a lot of arguments, disagreements and wars!
  6. S

    Does your religion prohibit space travel? What about other planet or moon...

    I don't think it said anywhere in the bible 'thou shalt not travel via spaceship to any other planet or set up home on the moon' so I guess christians are allowed...
  7. S

    Recently I have come to a crossroad with religion. Why do I feel guilty...

    Because if you have believed in something all your life, its a shock to discover the truth. The same as if you suddenly found out you were adopted. Whatever conclusion you come to about religion, there will always be a part of you that worries about whether you're right or wrong.