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  1. T

    Who's the funnier sidekick, Chuy or Guillermo?

    For those who may not know...Chuy is from Chelsea Lately Guillermo...Jimmy Kimmel.
  2. T

    how do i get bluetooth on my computer?

    Try going to Amazon. Here's a bluetooth dongle that's inexpensive. If you're not into this one in particular, there are tons more to choose from.
  3. T

    Mysterious like it?

    A hillbilly family took a trip to New York City. One day, the father took his son inside a large building. They were fascinated by everything they saw, especially the elevator at the other end of the lobby. The son asked, "What's this, Pa?" The father responded, "I don't know. I have never...
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    For future you think you qualify to be a "Bridezilla"?

    I've seen some outrageous moments on a few of those episodes. Sometimes I can relate to them, other times it seems as if these women just need a serious reality check. I think it depends on the nature of the problem....I could potentially be a Bridezilla if I got ticked off bad enough.
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    If you could have a role in your favorite soap, which would it be? ?

    I would have to say "All My Children". Erica is the best. And even though everyone knows that there's only one Erica Cain; she's going to have to pass the baton at one point or the other. And it definitely cannot go to Kendall! I would really show Pine Valley what being a diva is all!
  6. T

    Anyone thinking of getting the new Virgin Mobile Shuttle phone when it hits...

    ...the stands on Sept. 28th? I have been a Virgin Mobile customer for almost 5 years now. I have been through quite a few of their phones. Some good experiences, some bad. Honestly, I have been wondering WHEN they were going to make another hot phone worth buying. In the past I have noticed...