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  1. M

    Where can I find ringtones for my phone? it's free and easy and you also have the option of downloading any song you like and making it into a ringtone with your favorite part.
  2. M

    when to get high fashion gloves?

    i think winter is better but am sorry idk where they are sailing them right now. but good luck.
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    So i had this dream? What do you think does it mean?

    Okay, i had a 2 dreams in one night. The first one was; about my crush and i talking in my dad's car. he told me that he and his girlfriend broke-up. the second one was; i was in another school, it looked like a public school in america, then boys were banned from our school but edward cullen...
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    A little boy????????

    omg this is so funny, i luv it!!! this also reminds me of the story "birth of a candy bar!" where did you find it? this is rlly funny.
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    School trip to Europe, places i should go?

    Next year im going to Paris, Normandy and Amsterdam with school for the 60th anniversary of the end of world war 2. we are doing a 3 day walking tour of paris, then some stuff in nomandy for 2 days, and then we are in holland for 5 days for liberation day celebrations! Anything in particular i...
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    confession of a shopaholic?

    whats dat book about??
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    If kids under 18 want to see an R rated movie.....?

    can their parents go to where they buy the tickets and tell them that they have permission and then go to another movie then them?
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    Helppp Assaaap!! 10 Pnts For Best Answer. Pleasssssseee.?

    Can Someone Please Please Please Tell Me Where To Watch Tristan And Isolde The Movie Online For Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I Am Dying To Watch This Movie, And I Cannot Find It Anywherre, Whenever I Find A Good Site I Have To Download It, Nad I Dont Have Tiime I Need It Now...
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    Access Hollywood channel?

    Ok, so I saw the Twilight thing for Thursday and I friggin cant find the channel! It is on thursday at 7.30 and I went through my channels like three times. I have DirecTV or whatev. Thanks. :]
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    Do You have to get on a boat to go to Tybee Island?

    Would you have to get on a boat in order to go from Savannah to Tybee Island?
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    $10,000 or spending a day with a celeb?!?!?

    10,000 unless it was robert pattinson
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    Please help what the hell is wrong with me!?

    Ive been getting my 'time of the month' every fortnight instead! Im going to the doctor but whats wrong with me?!
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    In twilight what page did Edward first meet Bella?

    In twilight what page did Edward first meet Bella? I read the book my friend is saying he has red hair and I want the page number when it first describes him. Its says he has brows(however you spell it) soo dont be a smart *** you fu**in *** hole
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    where can i find a iphone case like this? I REALLY like this one but i don't know where to buy it :( Help please? or...
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    What's Better iphone 3g or hiptop slide?

    Iphone 3g
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    !!!Another Baby Name Game!!!?

    (FIRST AND MIDDLE NAMES PLEASE) 1. You are 18 years old, a senior in high school, and you and your boyfriend are high school sweethearts! You two have been together since you were freshman's. What is his full name? (First and last name) 2. You have just finished high school! You and your...
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    Did EA games go BANKRUPT?

    Ok, I heard it form somebody, but I can't find any articles about it. Is Sims 3 delayed????
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    How did you meet a celebrity?

    i was in an airport ann ll cool j was there :) it wasnt planned i was at the right place at the right time
  19. M

    If you were a celebrity....?

    1.What kind of films (or songs) do you see yourself doing in 10 years 2.How do you come out in your own films (or songs) 3.What would be your career if you were not a celebrity 4.Who do you look up to the most out of your co-stars (or co-workers) 5.Who helped you get where you are now the most...