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  1. C

    Can someone interpret this dream?

    Okay, so I'm only 17, and I'm not really a big fan of kids or babies, so I'm not planning to have any in the future. But I've been having a LOT of dreams about me being pregnant with no father... they aren't the same ones, so they aren't necessarily recurring... but it's just really odd. I want...
  2. C

    How to downgrade from Internet Explorer 8?

    I got it, but now I don't like it cause I can't use some stuff. Is there any way for me to go back to Explorer 7?
  3. C

    How can I get smaller breasts without surgery?

    Okay - I'm fifteen, and I have a 34G (actually, bigger than that, though I really don't want to go up any higher), and I don't want to get a breast reduction surgery, as I already had a surgery for removing a fibroadenoma in August. Is there any way that I could get them smaller? And I'm 125...