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    i just realized that i have a dentist appointment on december 21 is this related... the prophecy? of the end of the world? plz help thx
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    How to upload cellphone pictures to desktop?

    I have a Samsung Rogue from Verizon. However, I cancelled my Verizon contract, so technically I don't have a phone anymore. I still carry it around with me, however, and use it to take pictures. It used to be that I could simply upload them directly to the internet from my phone. HOWEVER...
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    Recycling questions for a kid's quiz?

    Could you please help me come up with some questions I could put on a quiz about recycling aimed at kids (10-11ish in age). It would be much appreciated. Many thanks
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    Worm farms and compost bin?

    Ok, this may be a silly question, but is it feasible to combine a worm farm with your compost bin? I have a compost bin so naturally all my raw food scraps go in that - can't I just add worms?! Otherwise I would make a worm farm but then that takes away material from my compost bin. Ideas...
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    How can I make a makeshift bike brake boot?

    I lost my little rubber springy thing that goes over the brake cable in-between the brake arms. I think it's purpose was to keep crud off the cable. I don't want to special order from amazon a 1 dollar boot. Is there a way I can make one? Can I wrap electrical tape around a pen spring or...
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    Can you ride a bike with no hands?

    Alyvia: Yupp :]