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  1. U

    Customized painting a BMX bike?

    So I bought a new 08 GT BUMP about a month ago. I want to paint it a different color. I'm new to riding this stuff so I don't want to take my bike apart and not be able to get it back together. Is there anyway I can paint it withough taking it apart? If so how? And If I can not..then give me a...
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    What is a good Battle Rifle training map? Halo 3?

    I want to get better a using the trigger and the battle rifle..
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    Why isn't my Xbox LIVE finding the MTU?

    Trying to connect so I can play Halo 3. Try to connect but the MTU fails. Never had this problem before today. Playing Halo 3...
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    Which game is suppose to be the better of the two?

    Gears of War 2 or Call of Duty:World at Wars?
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    Which Xbox 360 game should I get when it comes out?

    Call of duty: wolds at war or Halo wars?