Search results

  1. F

    Why don't Atheists save their complaints for God at Judgment, why complain to us?

    who's complaining? and why do you hide behind the "us" thing . . . obviously you don't think you are important enough to speak for yourself . . . . which, of course, is part of the problem as "we" se it. have a nice day hiding though.
  2. F

    looking for a handheld sudoku game?

    I am not a computer guy. I don't have a handheld anything that I can add to, nor do I want one (sorry). I'm looking for a stand alone handheld sudoku game that hast two features I have only been able to find in software; the ability to input games and the ability to input more than one number...
  3. F

    Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

    i dunno . . . . .wait . . . Dialing for Dollars is tryin' to find me . . . .I'll be right back.
  4. F

    Would evidence of intelligent life on other planets discredit Organized Religion?

    I'm still waiting for evidence of intelligent life on THIS planet
  5. F

    Would evidence of intelligent life on other planets discredit Organized Religion?

    I'm still waiting for evidence of intelligent life on THIS planet
  6. F

    without philosophy would there be religion or science?

    Philosophy teaches us how to inquire, and then it asks "is there a God". It claims logic as it's progeny but turns first to the question of what is the purpose of life? I'd certainly like to hear from both sides, without the rants, proselytizing, GDI, or DDI ("god did it" or "darwin did...
  7. F

    If Paul didn't exist would there be a Christian religion? ?

    I can't wait to hear the backpedalling on this one;
  8. F

    To those who have found religion...?

    okay, let me be the second person to whom you addressed this question; I am a bit older than most people here and I was the very last person anyone would ever accuse of having "faith" and believing in any form of spirituality, God, or religion. Things happen . . . it happened to me when...
  9. F

    Philosophy of religion? ?

    Oddly Y/A! has screwed up this question twice . . . .let's try this again: Is there a difference between a person of religion who studies his whole life and comes to the conclusion that he still has legitimate questions, and a scholar who studies all his life only to come to the conclusion...