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  1. L

    I'm sick and losing my voice, and I go on vacation in 2days!?

    Drink some warm honey&lime(:
  2. L

    Help me remember the name of a PS2 game?

    Sounds like true crime 2 streets of new York
  3. L

    Does downloading 3rd party apps on your lg rumor touch mess up your phone?

    i seen ways on youtube that you can download games and apps on you virgin mobile lg rumor touch free but im not sure if i should try it because i dont want my phone getting messed up later with a viruses or whatever.
  4. L

    Rumor about inuyasha new episodes coming out 2010?

    My friend told me that they are going to make more Inuyasha episodes that are coming out next year but i really dont know if its true?? If anyone has links or info write back cuz i will go CRAZY if they do make more episodes!!!! Thanks :)
  5. L

    What should i eat to become healthier?

    i agree with the whole doctor and being to young thing you are still young and can lose those extra lbs easy
  6. L

    How much would this item cost me at Circuit City?

    With everything on sale at circuit city I thought I would ask this question. How much do you think an apple (2nd generation) iPod tocuh (8gb) would cost me? The regular price at the apple store is $220.00 so im guessing the regular price would be around that price.
  7. L

    why is it i don't like drinking?

    Water and someties juice or soda. I will eat a full meal and take a few sips and thats it... and sometimes I only do that to aid in digestion.. is this common?
  8. L

    For all those whining about their taxes going up and socialism of the rich giving to

    I dnt mind helping the legitimately handicapped, mentally ill and those who just need a hand up. Give welfare recipients (mostly these young girls who keep having babies) a 5 year maximum to be on assistance, during the 5 yrs educate/train them to be employed. that would save the state a load...
  9. L

    how old do you have to be to use celebrity slim?

    Buying this product at such a young age is unhealthy for you. With any weight loss program or remedy you need to consult a doctor. At your age I am guessing you don't have access to a doctor. Please just learn to love and respect your body and mind. Eat healthy, yes I said to eat, no...