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  1. S

    Why did Romney suggest that presidential candidates have a minimum of 3

    years' business experience, and then? ...pick Paul Ryan, with no business experience whatsoever, as his VP choice? If you must, you can complain about Obama's lack of business experience too.
  2. S

    Find limit of ((x² + x + 1)/?(x^4 + x² + 1))^x as x -> infinity?

    This was inspired by a pretty Y!A question posted recently.
  3. S

    Is this McCain-Palin's new space shuttle program for the future?
  4. S

    Do you think Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican Party?

    It all depends on how well Obama does in the next four years. Paradoxically enough, if he does well, Palin has a shot in being the GOP nominee in 2012, because by then most of the moderate conservatives will be supporting Obama instead. On the other hand, if Obama does poorly, thus energizing...
  5. S

    Do you think Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican Party?

    It all depends on how well Obama does in the next four years. Paradoxically enough, if he does well, Palin has a shot in being the GOP nominee in 2012, because by then most of the moderate conservatives will be supporting Obama instead. On the other hand, if Obama does poorly, thus energizing...
  6. S

    Has anybody else heard the rumor about Palin and the debate?

    Why isn't this article in the New York Times? It's hard-hitting and accurate on the facts.
  7. S

    If crowds are shouting "Palin" instead of "McCain", is this celebrity worship?

    If crowds are shouting "Palin" instead of "McCain", is this celebrity worship? If you listen to the McCain-Palin public rallies lately, the crowds are rooting for Palin, not McCain. Does McCain have a claim any more that Obama is just about celebrity worship? I'm a lifelong republican, and I...
  8. S

    Is there change happening in politics now ?

    Obama's slogan: "Change we can believe in" McCain's answer: "Change is coming" Biden: "Palin isn't change" Palin: "Change we can believe IN!" Barack: "No change with McCain" McCain fans on his pick of Palin: "This is change for the better!" TV political commentators: "Politics has...