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  1. C

    Can I make a DVD copy from a programme I recorded from BBC Iplayer?

    If so how do I do it?
  2. C

    U.K. Would if called upon to strike ( as in France ) would you?

    The French were striking because there are no jobs. Please someone explain to me how taking billions out of a economy that is on its knees with no money is going to create more jobs. It actually makes things worse.
  3. C

    Are the French becoming more Irish?

    Ah racism at work. Of course all us Irish are thick Paddy's. But I am supposed to laugh at this, not report it to my boss if someone forwards it around my office. Otherwise I am being PC. It is not acceptable for you to post this stereotypical nonsense please remove your question as it is...
  4. C

    If you had 27 years of your life incorrectly taken from you by the 'justice'...

    Another reason why we dont need the death penalty. The sad thing is that evidence has been available for 23 years that could have set him free, meaning that he would have wasted 5 years of his life and not 27. Questions need to be asked about why it has taken the justice system so long to...
  5. C

    Is this what Muslim parents do their own children?

    Religion had nothing to do with this -- I have a Chritain name - not been to church in years and am a non believer. They are not Muslim Anymore than the mother and her partner of Baby P are Christian. They are all just the lowest form of scum
  6. C

    Did C.Thatcher call the player a golliwog or say he reminded her of one, the

    The fact of the matter was she was told by several people that they found it offencive and asked her not to repeat it. Instead she disagreed and continued to use it until two presenters, one charity worker and several production staff left a BBC green room.
  7. C

    Did C.Thatcher call the player a golliwog or say he reminded her of one, the

    The fact of the matter was she was told by several people that they found it offencive and asked her not to repeat it. Instead she disagreed and continued to use it until two presenters, one charity worker and several production staff left a BBC green room.
  8. C

    Clarkson apologises - why cant he stand by his comments? According to everyone this morning this great man of the people would defend his right of freedom of speech. He would never back down... And here we are less than 24 hours later JC realises his principles are not worth his £2 million a...
  9. C

    Is this an example of a dedicated optimistic loyal football fan or just an Imbecile?

    I wouldn't even get a tattoo of a player that had signed for my club - Saying that love football hate tattoo - so woudlnt get one anyway
  10. C

    Is it P.C. to call the British Prime Minister a?

    Helen - It is clear where this question stems from As much as your loyalty to Margaret Thatcher may have been her daughter made racist comments at work. You used to own your own company or be a director - if two of your employees came to you and said that during a break in the staff break out...
  11. C

    If you recieve vouchers from as Xmas presents when do you plan on spending them?

    I have decided this year not to give any vouchers as presents this year as we dont know which shops will avoid the carnage of closure in January and they could become worthless. If I receive any I will be spending them pretty quickly (probably Saturday 27th) and would suggest others do the...
  12. C

    with the smoking ban closing pubs do you think ?

    Pubs have been in decline for years, the credit crunch is speeding it up because people can get cheap booze from the supermarket. We have moved on from the local pub - when I think of the local I think of my Grandad going there every night on his own for his three pints (never two and never...
  13. C

    Are the BBC allowed to advertise their programmes?

    I saw an advert for the Chris Moyles Radio 1 show whilst at the cinema and thought the same - if they need to advertise then the programmes that they are making are not good enough and the money should be invested in making better TV and Radio shows. I pay my licence fee so they can make...
  14. C

    Will internet vigilantes cause changes to the judicial system?

    The internet is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands. In the last week the so called mother of baby P needs to have her identity changed at a great cost to the taxpayer thanks to internet vigilantes - money that I would rather be spent on protecting children than her. Also in the last week the...
  15. C

    Is the introduction of Id cards a waste of taxpayers money?

    I have my passport and my photo ID driving licence, 2 bank cards, 2 credit cards, 1 store card (for the discount only) a nectar card, an air miles card and a Tesco club card. I have a bank loan and a mortgage as well as 4 different pensions. My car is registered in my name and I am on the...
  16. C

    Who else finds it fairly amusing that the BNP list has been leaked?

    Sorry whilst I hate the BNP they have the right to their opinions. It can never be amusing when people may be put at risk for political views - what about those with young families that are living in fear of reprisals? That said I dont want someone with far right views teaching my children either.
  17. C

    Do you think the Indian solution is the right way of dealing with pirates?

    Yes - that ship wont be committing anymore acts of piracy It worked - they where given the chance to yield but fired on the Indian ship first. Sink a few more and perhaps they may think harder about the career choice
  18. C

    Thank God for the internet. It is mind boggling that the Judge in the Baby P case

    It is not to protect these monsters it is to protect the children that are left. You know the 3 sibblings of Baby P that no one gives a damn about it our quest to know the names. What we want to do with this information I have no clue!!!
  19. C

    Has David Cameron committed political suicide?

    He needs to be different to Labour as Labour are clawing back in the polls - that is the only reason But between him and his shadow chancellor they appear to be at odds with both the country and the world. He needs to come up with solutions which he is unable to do.
  20. C

    Do you think this Senator was right to sue God? I want to know how he would have claimed the money? And can Americans be trusted to vote in elections?