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  1. L

    Why does it cost for cruise ships to go on piers?

    Even from 30 feet away, it would take a total of close to an hour to get in and get out again, with labour costs for pier crew and for tugs, which will cost $1,000s. Putting down and raising the gang plank, cost of fuel used, minimum wharfage charge, probably minimum 4 hours. Get the idea?
  2. L

    Why am i forced to remove my hat at dinner on a cruise?

    It is basic good manners not to wear a hat at the dinner table, or anywhere indoors as far as men are concerned, women get away with anything!. If you are that concerned about your looks, why not buy a wig that will camouflage what you consider to be ugly? I agree with you about the obese types...
  3. L

    1965 ford seatbelt problem?

    One person per fitted seat belt, so only one passenger. Yes, you would get a ticket. Bigger question is how come such a heap is still on the road, it should have been recycled at least twice by now!
  4. L

    Cracked ribs and bruises?

    I know it is probably best to talk to my doctor about this. I have 2 cracked ribs and bruising all down my chest and face, after being attacked. I get great pain in my ribs when I walk, sit down or just move. Sometimes, my chest goes tight and I feel as if I can't breathe. It's hard to move...