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  1. J

    I question to an Atheist, from a follower of Christ?

    You're deluded by magical thinking.Mark=/=v chip. There is no verifiable evidence of the Moses story.Don't you think an event that big might have been noticed by an historian or Pharaoh?The Egyptians were very good record keepers yet there are no records of the slaves(valuable assets) or events...
  2. J

    How can I get my Mom to stop bugging me about religion?

    How old are you?You seem to be an independent person.It may be time for a more direct approach.As close to stfu as necessary and acceptable for you and Mom.Don't see her as often and when she starts in on religion-Bye Mom. On a side note:she is your mother and loves you.But still she's got to...
  3. J

    How come there are few questions asked in vegan/vegetarian but so many in religion?

    PETA runs Y/A.People Eating Tasty Animals.
  4. J

    Why do so many people ignore the Mayan Prophecy of 2012?

    Anyone capable of rational thought knows that its a big load of crap. They had a calendar that had 5 extra days when people hid in fear.Fact. Their knowledge of astronomy wasn't much better than several other ancient civilizations. You assume all Mayans knew astronomy.Not likely or...
  5. J

    The middle-east situation? Biblical prophecy?

    No,just the same old stuff.
  6. J

    Atheism Rant Your Opinions?

    You're mostly correct.Take a deep breath,you must be winded after that rant. Most of the posters on R&S are christians so most of the atheist responses are directed at them.Simple math. As an atheist I believe in no gods and mock them all.
  7. J

    A question involving Atheism and Bible predictions?

    You have a very low threshold of credulity. Gain some real knowledge then we can talk. You have no facts to give,only opinions.
  8. J

    Has all of Nostradamus's prophecies been correct so far?

    Chicken scratchings are more accurate than Nostrodumb***.You have to be very gullible to believe he predicted anything accurately. WW3 could happen anytime or never.We live in a volatile world with thousands of nuclear weapons spread around.Any number of scenarios could result in WW3.
  9. J

    Do trans*genders give homo*sexuals a bad name?

    No. Its none of your business what others do to themselves.
  10. J

    how do aliens and ufos travel the vast distances between stars?

    This question belongs in myths. To answer your question-they don't.
  11. J

    Can someone give me an idea of how much my monthly payments would be on a

    Have you tried Google? Or calling a dealer?
  12. J

    I am Isaac Newton. I will appear in Jerusalem. According to the prophecy, Jesus

    Probably abandon you for infringement on his turf.
  13. J

    Why is it, I seem to be getting more sanity in myths and folklore than religion

    Give up myth and religion for rational thought.Its much more rewarding.And saner to boot.
  14. J

    Rebuilding a relationship with dad?

    You need to give us more details. I would also suggest family counseling if Dad will agree.
  15. J

    Im trying to burn fat and build muscle does anyone have a good diet and...

    High protein,low carb. Avoid highly sweetened beverages. This includes soda,energy drinks and the like. Track down a copy of Michael and Mary Dan Eads "The Protein Power Plan". Its better than Dr Atkins.
  16. J

    Will we ever get rid of hippies?

    Yes. Just as soon as we get rid of ignorant rednecks.