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  1. D

    Can I make friends with people who don't share my interests without faking...

    ...interest in them? When I'm in a social situation like a school classroom or a networking meeting, I find it hard to bring myself to bond with people who don't share my interests (which are rather narrow and most people don't have them). When I meet people who don't share my interests, all I...
  2. D

    What writing tools or markers don't fade out outdoors?

    I'm trying to find a marker or paint or whatever that will be written on coroplastic signs that don't fade out in the outdoors. I used a blue permanent marker before but it faded out to a faint purple color after a few days.
  3. D

    How do I read text (txt) files on my cell phone untruncated?

    My phone can read txt files...but for big text files it truncates them. I don't want to split all 50 of my text files into smaller files (too much work) I was wondering if there's a way around this. By the way, I have a Nokia 7510 Supernova
  4. D

    Are there any mobile devices that can amplify your voice that you could wear on

    your body? I have a quiet, soft-spoken voice and I want to be able to be heard in a loud club. So I was wondering if there were any any electronic speakers w/ mic (not a speakerphone...remember it's handsfree) that you could wear on your body....and if so...are they expensive? Thanks Ok so...
  5. D

    What kind of earphones are best for not coming off the ears accidentally?

    I use my Nintendo DS + headphones as my alarm (no don't tell me to get a regular alarm....I have a roommate). I tried clip-on earphones but sometimes they come off during my sleep....then I miss class. Big bulky over-the-head headphones are too uncomfortable to use. Thanks but that "Bang &...
  6. D

    My Wii clan is having a controversial debate on whether to expand to

    different consoles NO BIAS PLZ? I am the leader of a wii clan called Art of Wii.... There are two opposing sides that formed in my Wii that opposes expanding to xbox360 and ps3 and one that supports expanding. I want some ideas on how to solve this problem without losing...