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  1. E

    What should i do while on vacation?

    Take a walk every day to a different place in the area where you've not been before.
  2. E

    How to handle five year old step son who cries and whines too much?

    I know this will sound a little harsh, but it's not meant to be. Please read it all anyway. First of all, think about the heart of this little child: Abandoned by the people who should be bonding with him and protecting him from fear and lonliness, by the people whose world should have revolved...
  3. E

    how do some celeb moms are soooooooooo busy and still have time 4 there kids...

    Because celeb moms have $$$$ and can hire people to do everything else.
  4. E

    I was on the freeway on my harley when my halter loosened, exposing my breasts.

    Ri-i-i-i-ght. And I'm the queen of England. Besides, if you were on your Harley and the accident happened AFTER you passed by--which of course it would have had to--then how did the victims even know who you were to sue you? If you're going to make up a story, at least make it believable...