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  1. W

    Why was Senator Stuart Smalley wasting confirmation hearing time asking trivia

    Republicans claim to be probing her personality and personal history, so why wouldn't a few questions about what inspired her to become a lawyer, prosecutor and then a judge be relevant? The answers to such questions could be just as insightful as the ones about her "wise Latina" comment in a...
  2. W

    Doesn't it concern you liberals that Wall Street, and the power companies...

    Regulations can curb market manipulation and hold prices down. Sure, some people will make money, but that is good isn't it. And the end result for all of us will be cleaner air and a more stable climate.
  3. W

    Joining a KKK forum to discuss with members: good idea or not?

    Bad idea unless you want your emails and calls monitored; the KKK is a listed terrorist organization.
  4. W

    Joining a KKK forum to discuss with members: good idea or not?

    Bad idea unless you want your emails and calls monitored; the KKK is a listed terrorist organization.
  5. W

    Ever met a conservative who is "always" having a bad day?

    Yes, conservatives have been having a "bad day" ever since Nov 4.
  6. W

    Republicans leaving DC for the inauguration taking vacations. Are they

    sending a signal of non support or what? Some won't have jobs after Jan 20, but most of these people will. They have had more than 2 months to get over the loss of the election. I am wondering whether you think this is the beginning of a campaign to undermine the next administration, to show...
  7. W

    Can someone against gay marriage explain to me how gay people getting

    I'm not against gay marriage, but I do think the institution of marriage will be undermined because there is so much opposition to gay marriage. Laws which allow "civil unions" will be passed, and in some states, they will in effect, be a type of second class marriage which will not create all...
  8. W

    Do the people who insist Obama is a Muslim believe there is a vast conspiracy to

    hide his reliegion? Otherwise, how could he hide the prayer rugs, facing Mecca five times a day, fasting during Ramadan, etc. Would the US Christian be behind this and what would their motives be? I meant would the US press be helping to conceal Obama's Muslim religion and what would their...
  9. W

    By Using Lincoln's Bible, is Obama Saying that is the Official Book that States...

    You have a great imagination. Obama is saying he admires Lincoln a great deal. He has often alluded to him during his campaign and announced his run for the presidency at the same place that Lincoln did, on the steps of the Illinois state capitol. If you haven't lived in Illinois, you can't...
  10. W

    how many days of vacation did George W. Bush take during his eight years in office?

    There is a statistic on this somewhere, I just can't find the link. Does anyone know the exact number of days he has taken off?
  11. W

    Is it just me, or are other people also sick & tired of rhetorical

    questions here in the politics topic? I mean questions that imply something, questions that are really more of a statement than an question
  12. W

    When the next financial crisis hits will Americans complain about too much...

    If the Republicans stay in power it will be just like the hurricanes. The recent ones were handled a lot better than Katrina, but a lot of people still drowned.
  13. W

    BEYOND this election, wasn't Sen. Lieberman's appearance at the RNC a positive...

    Yes, and even though I disagree with almost everything Lieberman said, I believe he is a man of courage for standing up to his party. It is very odd to me that the people who do actually have courage are not given credit, while the cowards and sycophants are portrayed as heroes.
  14. W

    Is there any info out about VP candidate Sarah Palin's future son in law?

    Other than the fact that his name is Levi
  15. W

    Do you applaud "conspiracy theorists" for having the sense not to believe a word...

    No they are too paranoid, and too ready to jump to unsupported conclusions.