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  1. N

    how much weight do u think ill lose in 22 (5 1/2 months)weeks if i...?

    eat 1000-1300 cals a day, healthy lowfat food, mostly fruit, veggies and cereal exercise 30 mins 4 days a week (fast walking or cycling) and 1 hour 3 days a week. im 5 ft 3 in and weigh 178lbs (12 stone 10 lbs) im hoping to lose 38 lbs, ( 2 stone 10 lbs) any tips? have you lost weight ? what did...
  2. N

    The power of your mind?

    Ive been reading the secert book and altough most of it is common sense im just wondering is the what go's on in your mind really shapeing your life? ima verynegitive person and feel sorry for myself a lot of the time and i if a friend dont call me or if a partner is mean to me i just gets...
  3. N

    ladies have you tried Always Infinity?

    no they arent available in ireland but i use always long and the green 1s too i love them they are really better than all leading other brands
  4. N

    ladies have you tried Always Infinity?

    no they arent available in ireland but i use always long and the green 1s too i love them they are really better than all leading other brands
  5. N

    my sis wants a trip to the moon for xmas?

    how do i tell her its impossible
  6. N

    Why does a Yorkshire tea caddy look like Dr. Who's red telephone box?

    yes t does david tennant drinks it to give him brains
  7. N

    baby p:how could it happen?

    Yep sure is sad about that baby
  8. N

    Can i do it in a month?

    I need to tone up and lose a few pound if i eat healthy and hit the gym 4 times a week can i do it? im 9 stones ten pounds, id like to move ten pounds to get in to all my arty dresses, i have one month is it possible
  9. N

    Holidays on work? whats my rights?

    Were allowed 21 days holidays in work so far i have taken 16 of them, they saying our christmas holidays are included in this, the company closes for a week over Christmas, is this legally right that my holidays are included in this week?
  10. N

    are eye drops good or bad for eyes?

    My optition says there not good for your eyes, but i finding lately mine are tired and dry all the time and are makeing me a bit moody and tired I normally use the clear blue by Optrex
  11. N

    how much weight is it possible to lose in 6 weeks on atkins?

    people with experience of atkins please answer. does atkins affect cognitive performance? i heard that the brain needs carbs. also did you keep the weight off afterwards, i plan on staying on atkins for 6 to 12 weeks then going on a raw food diet, is this advisable?