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  1. D

    Where is Jesus Christ now ?

    In Australia.
  2. D

    How did Jesus Christ, come by... ?

    Ask him, he'll tell ya!
  3. D

    Fellow religiously concerned Homo sapiens, read any good books lately (besides the...

    3 good ones to check out. Tibetan book of the Dead (intended to be read to a person when and after they die) A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle Why does E=MC2? All enlightening, eye opening reads.
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    Can a Christian show where Judaism is going wrong in their beliefs here?

    Christians are all about showing others where they have gone wrong. They're not the only ego based religious system to do that tho...muslims do it too. " We're right and you're wrong". Truth is...NO ONE has it figured out...but we're all on the right essence.
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    Why say God hates Gays and Lesbians?

    Have you at all observed the rest of nature? The flowers, the bees, the other animals on earth? Funnily enough, they follow the male female law as well? EVERYTHING on earth is having sex...and it ain't gay sex...anything you can think of...follows male/female. THAT MEANS THAT LIFE(god) CREATED...
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    Linksys Internet Problems?

    I have a Windows Vista. I recently bought a Linksys Router to boost up my connection on my family's other 2 computers. The other 2 computers have internet (I am using one of them right now), but the Vista does not. The Wireless icon says it is only Local. I have tried many methods, including...