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  1. B

    what pdf reader app is compatible with blackberry storm?

    my blackberry storm doesn't have a pdf reader. what app can i download to my phone to be able to read pdf files?
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    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows read online no downloads?

    You can't There is literally no online downloads for Harry Potter unless someone hand typed it out until Pottermore comes out in October. And frankly, if you lose it, why should we give you another copy? Get up and find it.
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    When does season 2 of Glee come out on dvd?

    I just finished season 1 and I need more Glee!
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    WHo Saw barney Frank at Harvard Law Meeting--dodge--not well- a law student who...

    all the news clips spin it in franks favor, sad, I saw the whole thing frank is a A-hole
  5. B

    Is Obama Using The Very Same ‘Politics of Fear’ That He Once Criticized?

    Keep in mind Obama knew nothing about how to run this country until he got in office...."EVERYTHING" he does is on the job training....get use to change....
  6. B

    I was denied unemployment benefit because I down loaded information from the

    Bet you won't do that again...........
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    Why do people overlook the pain of Lincoln losing 2 soldiers for every 1 Southern...

    Simple ...they don't teach it in school
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    North Korean missile test/Satellite launch?

    If this is true, then my hats off to Obama for showing some b***s.... its a good thing...
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    is there possibly a way to appeal a plea bargain?

    Not in most states, that's the idea behind a plea bargain,
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    Is there something wrong with my Verizon Wireless EnV2 phone, it won't read

    not positive but i am pretty sure you have to buy one specially from them its different with different phone services.
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    Are you allowed bikes in Prison?

    sure and you'll have friends up the butt while your there too.....
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    Jay Rockefeller wants to end the internet?

    who cares ?
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    I see alot of complaining but no action when are we gonna recall the senate?

    We're waiting on you to get the ball rolling.......Well ? Oh yeah....just what I thought......nothing.....
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    Who Thought Of The Idea, Pull My Finger?

    that would be me.....your welcome
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    Poll: Do you steal Wi-Fi Internet from your neighbors?

    Oh yeah......I'm doing it now...don't tell them....please
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    Looking for cheap high speed internet company.?

    DHS express