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  1. B

    Why are liberals still trying to argue policy....?

    You do know that the recession started due to republican policies.....right.
  2. B

    Would apologists for the religion of pieces be in favor of a similar policy

    I really don't care what happens any place else. I care about America.
  3. B

    Why is it in style to pretend you know more than climatologists?

    Well obviously any blogger knows more about climatology than any climatologist. Also climatologists are all politically motivated and their results and data are manipulated so that they become the richest and most powerful group on the planet. This is all part of their plan for world...
  4. B

    Why is it in style to pretend you know more than climatologists?

    Well obviously any blogger knows more about climatology than any climatologist. Also climatologists are all politically motivated and their results and data are manipulated so that they become the richest and most powerful group on the planet. This is all part of their plan for world...
  5. B

    Is this Cold Winter Signaling the End of "Global Warming"?

    In a previous question you said it was a warm winter so far in Europe. Is it a cold winter or not? Please be consistent.
  6. B

    how has the internet contributed to an informed public arena.?

    An argument could be made it makes an disinformed public. When blogs are taken as legimate sources and crap that people make up can be put into print, it make you wonder if we are better off. Beverly above me just proved my point.
  7. B

    Why do right wingers complain about the corporate tax rate when most...

    ...corporations pay no taxes? I know we have the second highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, but isn't the tax rate irrelevant if nobody pays it? gcb- I wonder if you read the article: "More than 38,000...