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  1. K

    Is this a climate science skeptic rant?

    Well at least I learnt a new word (inspissate) oops sorry
  2. K

    If you were on your deathbed & had 1 minute to live,which religion would...

    My own, I believe in God, but I don't believe in all these man-made religions, why should I believe in what other people tell me.
  3. K

    Do you agree with this statement- "If you don't own a Mercedes Benz you are...

    All the 'upper class' cars are made by white countries. Non-whites look completely ridiculous driving them.
  4. K

    Xbox 360 Arcade DLC Transfer?

    I have a 360 arcade, so I was wondering if I buy the Gears of War 2 DLC on my USB and then buy a hardrive for more memory, would I be able to transfer it from my USB on to the hardrive? Thanks
  5. K

    why is nostradamus prediction?

    It doesnt matter what it proves. Cuz we'll be dead
  6. K

    What rap instrumental is this? I just came across this rap instrumental on youtube and like it, but would like to know the original song. Thanks a lot.
  7. K

    Why do people seem to think Obama is a black man?

    He is mixed race, black father WHITE mother, a WHITE woman carried him for 9 months than gave birth to the man, if he can be classed as a black president, he can be classed as a white president. And some people seem to say "look at him", I'm looking and I see a mixed raced man. I know the media...
  8. K

    What celebrity couples would make the hottest babies when the babies get older?!

    The coulples dont actually have to be really long as they are two celebrities.