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    I have a 2005 Volkswagen Jetta.. The car has been pulling hard and also revving.?

    The Jetta has been pulling hard and also revving when its shifting gears. It only does this on the regular streets but when I'm on the freeway its fine. Yesterday as I was driving around downtown San Diego which has big hill like streets, my car was revving like crazy and then all the PRND...
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    Is there anyone that I can speak to about getting an invitation to a bittorrent... called Bitfarm? I would like to download and seed files locally in SA and the only site that I know that allows this is bitfarm ( and unfortunately you need an invitation in order to acces the site. Does anyone perhaps know how I can get an invitation?
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    Losing sound on internet?

    Losing sound on internet? When I first start sites myspace and youtube I can hear fine, but after a couple minutes the sound gets muted. Any Ideas? I know this isn't the right sectiion but people answer questions in here
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    How old you need to be to get a number at rogers in Canada?

    How old do you need to be??
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    When ever some one wants to talk about my sexuality, I find it hard to talk about it.

    After coming out two years ago, I still find it hard to talk about my sexuality. The other day my best friend brought up the issue when he saw that my face book said I was interested in men. He knows I am gay, but when ever the topic comes up, I am unable to talk about it. This is the same way...