Search results

  1. M

    Good indie or alt rock bands?

    The White Stripes are pretty much the best indie group I think. Cake Cage the Elephant Shinedown Three Days Grace The Raconteurs The Black Keys
  2. M

    If women complain about all men being the same.?

    Then why do they keep trying to find Mr Right?
  3. M

    Who will win Apple or Samsung?

    I understand they are in court today.
  4. M

    Fitness trainer needed?

    Is there a fitness trainer here that doesn't mind consulting with me while i get back in shape? Someone i can email if i got questions. cliff t is there a way to contact me via email so i can ask you stuff? i cant figure it out lol. if you know how add me please
  5. M

    Which Processor Should I GET?

    Which one is better. I was thinking about getting either the AMD Thuban 6 core or the Intel i5 I need a good processor for gaming under 200 bucks..
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    I need a DVD Thing for my computer?

    Can anyone suggest a good DVD drive thing for a computer i'm gonna build soon not really sure what there called i think there called optical drives i'm not sure Suggest one that has everything ( Cables and stuff ) because this is my first build and I'm kinda scared haha but yea I want the cables...
  7. M

    bmw performance parts? 325i 2005?

    Start with the muffler bearing and work from there.
  8. M

    Bike Chain need help putting it?

    Ok the chain is still attached to the bike and is in perfect condition but I need help putting it in the sprocket or w/e the spiky things are seems that the chain is attached to the top part of the bar on the rear its just wierd
  9. M

    Will I be able to argue this possession of marijuana charge in court?

    I was riding home after a party with a friend of mine who said that he was sober... it turns out he wasn't and got pulled over and he was charged with a DWI. I didn't know the kid very well, and I was riding in his car in the front passenger seat. The cops searched the car and found marijuana in...
  10. M

    Will I be able to argue this possession of marijuana charge in court?

    I was riding home after a party with a friend of mine who said that he was sober... it turns out he wasn't and got pulled over and he was charged with a DWI. I didn't know the kid very well, and I was riding in his car in the front passenger seat. The cops searched the car and found marijuana in...
  11. M

    Will I be able to argue this possession of marijuana charge in court?

    I was riding home after a party with a friend of mine who said that he was sober... it turns out he wasn't and got pulled over and he was charged with a DWI. I didn't know the kid very well, and I was riding in his car in the front passenger seat. The cops searched the car and found marijuana in...
  12. M

    Will I be able to argue this possession of marijuana charge in court?

    I was riding home after a party with a friend of mine who said that he was sober... it turns out he wasn't and got pulled over and he was charged with a DWI. I didn't know the kid very well, and I was riding in his car in the front passenger seat. The cops searched the car and found marijuana in...
  13. M

    How good are Samsung Plasmas?

    I heard some of the new models have this really annoying buzz. I went to best buy and saw a 50" samsung for $1000, i thought is a really good deal. if theres buzz, no way.
  14. M

    Is David Gilmour joing Roger Waters on his 'The Wall' tour?

    I know Roger is touring starting in september but i heard David is also joining him? is this true?
  15. M

    If I get a Telus pay as you go cell phone, can I switch it to a contract later?

    I'm financially unstable, atm, so I don't want to go into a contract. Is it possible?
  16. M

    Can a laptop's dvd burner burn onto a DVD-9?

    I have Window's 7, and it comes with an burner already installed -- I'm going to put some videos onto a disc, but I'd rather use DVD9 than DVD5, just so I don't have to carry around eight discs. I know it's dual layer, so will the computer just roll with it, and burn it normally? Or would it...
  17. M

    My cat keeps trying to get outside?

    My cat is indoor and he got out once by accident and now all he does is cry and stand by the door or near the door trying to sneak out. He just got out 5 minutes ago and by had had to chase him and grab him. My dad got scratched by his back claws. How do you discipline my cat, or show him he's...
  18. M

    Have you read any homosexual spaceship adventure sci-fi comics?

    We're looking for a name. :P A friend showed my other friend one, and now she can't remember. Azza -- that's fantastic. And, by the way, we /have/ been Googling for like ten minutes. :)
  19. M

    whats your world series prediction?

    the al team will most likely be an al east team whether its boston or the yankees is to early to tell
  20. M

    how too meet new people?

    make friends with people at work> meet their friends make them your friends Meet more people Relax and have an open mind and smile like a b**** :)