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  1. B

    When get get apps off the android market...?

    Where do they charge u for those apps
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    What suv is right for me ?

    I'm 6'2 I want something nice I like lots of room but not to big good mpg with 4x4 gotta be good in snow and have some abilighty to go off road ( camping ) reliable and easy to fix
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    Why Hulk Hogan don't go to Hollywood make some movie?

    he cant act. ever see Rocky 3 or Mr. Nanny
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    Should we have a moment of silence for the Cowboys, Jaguars, Brown stains,...

    i would have a moment of silence for any team except the cowboys or the browns. i hope the browns move again to another city so i dont have to listen to the fans anymore talk about how good this franchise has been or will be. yeah they should make a run for the playoffs this year huh browns...
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    How Do I Drive Traffic To My Christian Website?

    I have a Christian web design site and need help marketing this site I would appreciate any help and make a link to your site... Your Friend, Ronn