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  1. P

    Just needed to vent, cause this is just ridiculous?

    Sorry you are going through this. Please speak with your school counselor to help you deal with this. If your family doesn't believe in you then you need to learn to believe in yourself. Succeed in life because you want to. Do it for yourself so you can show your family how wrong they were about...
  2. P

    My grandpa died last week and im so depressed I just got back from a

    When you are at school just focus on your lessons and class work. That should keep you from thinking about your grandfather. Get more involved at school with clubs or groups. Losing a family member hurts and it will take time for you to get past this sadness. Give yourself that time. I am sorry...
  3. P

    Me and my mother are arguing ?

    Who is paying the bills in your house? If mom is not providing food for you to eat and you are a minor then you have the right to call Children Services and report her or at least call the cops. If you are over 18 then find someplace else to live and get a job and start supporting yourself. It...
  4. P

    My Mother Introduces Her Boyfriend As Our 'Dad'...We're Uncomfortable?

    Nicely? Forget nicely. Just come out and tell your mother that "Ed" is her husband but he is not your dad.
  5. P

    How to write an introduction paragraph to a Compare and Contrast essay?

    This paper will be comparing the life of a colonist to today's life styles. And take it from there. Good luck.
  6. P

    what should i do? forget the people that that don't treat me right?

    Keep looking for a job, take some courses to improve your skills.
  7. P

    How do I get my husband to do his fair share of the household chores?

    It is time to bring out the ultimate threat: Help or I walk. And if he doesn't then walk. Don't clean his clothes for him. He can walk around in smelly clothes. Only cook for yourself. If he wants something then he will have to fix it himself. Stop talking to him for as long as his chores...
  8. P

    How do I get my husband to do his fair share of the household chores?

    It is time to bring out the ultimate threat: Help or I walk. And if he doesn't then walk. Don't clean his clothes for him. He can walk around in smelly clothes. Only cook for yourself. If he wants something then he will have to fix it himself. Stop talking to him for as long as his chores...
  9. P

    If a mother is from general gaterogy or father is from sc category?

    Shouldn't you have posted this in India section rather than here. I doubt there are too many lawyers from India here.
  10. P

    What are some facts about nutrition? I have been on a milkshake diet. Worst diet ever. Don't know if it worked or not. I went off of it as fast as I went on the diet. I do know that fad diets and crash diets can be harmful and usually fail in the long run. I...
  11. P

    what is the main difference between a jaguar and a leopard?

    It's spots. A leopard is a larger animal I believe. Here is a link that will tell you more about the animals.
  12. P

    what is the main difference between a jaguar and a leopard?

    It's spots. A leopard is a larger animal I believe. Here is a link that will tell you more about the animals.
  13. P

    What do you think of my introduction?

    Sounds great. I liked it very much. Good luck with your paper.
  14. P

    For English Homework.. The internet..?? ?

    The good points are: information at your finger tips from reliable sources. Information usually not found in libraries. The bad points: Porn is too easily accessable for children, people can get on line and edit information, personal information is also availble on the internet for thieves to steal.
  15. P

    i want to do a winter or atumn craft. ive looked on the internet for some, has some great craft ideas.
  16. P

    Good introduction for a story??

    Start with who you are today and then backtrack to an earlier time. Talk about how much you have improved. Tell about your future plans and what you like to do. ( hobbies, pets, siblings,etc.)
  17. P

    Why does my old cat scream and howl?!?!

    Have your cat checked by a vet. Your cat could be deaf.