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  1. H

    How can i stop myself from being obsessed with a celebrity...?

    um, i really couldn't help you... that's why i still haven't finished my homework... i spent all afternoon on . not to mention on Y!A... if you find an answer though, LET ME KNOW!
  2. H

    Does anyone else feel this way when they look at celebrities?

    well, i can understand how you feel, but i see my situation a bit worse, if i can say that. my celeb idols have been doing what they love for about 15 years, and they're all still in their 20s. they've had huge radio hits, spatted with their record label, started their own indie (under which...
  3. H

    Who else think that these celebrity "alter egos" are very idiotic and lame?

    tell me about it. but you can't blame the celebs with mental issues. like britney. her scary-bald alter ego was just plain frightening.
  4. H

    Poll: Do you think I have a right to complain...?

    heh heh...? sorry, not funny.
  5. H

    Tomorrow is the last day of vacation before school starts. How are you spending it?

    homework and babysitting. but hey, money is money, right?
  6. H

    Is you computer/internet fast or slow or what? ?

    fast. i have ethernet. and woot for phelps! yeah, kool-aid is okay.
  7. H

    Why do Jason Mraz's MR. A-Z songs keep popping on iTunes?

    iTunes is on shuffle, and five MR. A-Z songs have popped up in a row! Why no "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things."?? POLL: Besides I'm Yours, because I know that's what you'll all say, what's your favorite Mraz song?
  8. H

    How well did your parents dodge the?

    i never really asked... my older sister gave me plenty of her own imaginative ideas ;P
  9. H

    There can only be 4 future Mrs.Jonas so who will they be?

    this isn't meant as disrespectful. really. but how should i know? there are billions of people in the world. answer?;_ylt=AnSUrlQxdYHhW0PZOTHhgA3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080824082553AAjxcXx
  10. H

    Which celebrity do you think is hottest?

    brad or jonathon, but may i add another to the list? taylor hanson = #1 hottie. yum.