Search results

  1. L

    what T-mobile phone is better?

    Im looking for a new phone. Right now i have the blackberry Pearl and it SUCKS. i have a choice between the Samsung Highlight or the Nokia 5230 Nuron. They are both touch screen. Does anyone one know which phone works better and will last for a long time? Please and thank you! =)
  2. L

    So why does this seem to be the trend with girls these days?

    thanks for lumping all girls into the stereotype. thank you so much. you really understand us girls eh?
  3. L

    help me with the iphone 3g Plans?

    I am buying an iPhone very soon and I am having trouble deciding what the cheapest and best plan is. Should I go for fido, or rogers?
  4. L

    could I have just had a miscarriage?

    About a month ago I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms... but I didn't want to take a test... I guess I was in sort of denial... so I went on with my normal activities and without thinking went tanning, played soccer and got hit in the stomach a lot, drank alcohol, was around people who were...
  5. L

    HELP with the iphone plans?

    I am buying an iphone very shortly but i am having trouble deciding between fido or rogers. If you know anything about this please help me find the better deal. :)
  6. L

    Does anyone know any Holiday Inn discount codes?

    I'm looking for a discount code for the Holiday Inn-Central in Washington DC. I am looking to stay there in mid-October and I would like to book as soon as possible. Thanks.
  7. L

    Where can I watch CNN's Black in America online?

    I'm dying to watch this special, but I don't have CNN. I've tried looking for it on the website, but it only has clips up. Where can I watch this special in its entirety?