Search results

  1. S

    rich fudgy brownie recipe?

    I've been making brownies for years. I've tried all sorts of recipes. I keep coming back to the recipe on the back of the Hershey Cocoa box and I get perfect fudgy brownies. I think the reason people get dried out brownies is that they over cook them. Notice how the recipe says 20 to 25...
  2. S

    Do you see gadgets advertised on TV that you would actually like to have?

    I've never bought anything from a TV ad. You've heard the adage, "IF it sounds to good to be true, it usually is." I have looked at some of those MADE for TV items in stores. It all looks poorly made to me.
  3. S

    Stew Leonard's Vegetable Cake Recipe?

    Based on what you've said I'm guessing these are a variation on corn fritters. I just make corn fritters, I don't have a formal recipe. There are zillions on the web. If these cakes are fluffy then egg whites are beaten and folded into the basic ingredients. If the cakes are more chewy (my...
  4. S

    Why is the Religion section infested with Atheists if they don't even have religion?

    Go to the top of the page and type in your question. You'll get lots of answers to this often asked question and save the rest of us a lot of typing.
  5. S

    Question about a Christian friend who gossips?

    I'm not a Christian. I do live in a small town. People talk and that's a fact. I don't like gossip. I don't care who's doing it. Here's how you can put a stop to it. Tell your friend if she has a concern with someone else, (name the person) she needs to take it directly to that person...
  6. S

    13 Month old who screams and cries constantly...?

    I'd have a talk with the parents. Does he do this when he's in their care? Is he on target developmentally? Are there some unknown medical issues going on? (I had a friend whose constantly crying baby had acid reflux disease). Teething? Have you noticed anything in particular that triggers...
  7. S

    13 Month old who screams and cries constantly...?

    I'd have a talk with the parents. Does he do this when he's in their care? Is he on target developmentally? Are there some unknown medical issues going on? (I had a friend whose constantly crying baby had acid reflux disease). Teething? Have you noticed anything in particular that triggers...
  8. S

    If i would like to do a hand made quilt with the harley davidson logo where can

    I'm not familiar with the logo. But for similar patterns...ones I just can't seem to find, I check the web first. I look for the picture of what I want. Google Harley Davidson Logo under "Images." Save it as a picture. Print a duplicate. Sometimes I can just enlarge the picture with my...
  9. S

    Does it matter to you what religion John McCain practices?

    What is your question really? I don't care what Shriners or Masons believe. They do a lot of good charity work even if they like funny looking hats. They don't bang on my door asking me to join up. They don't call me on the phone or kill trees sending me junk mail about how I ought to be...
  10. S

    Would you buy a cookbook with nutrition facts or one that does not...?

    If I were to purchase a cookbook with recipes from the 1800's, I wouldn't be concerned with nutritional information. I'd mostly be interested in the "old" recipes and cooking techniques. This is purely speculation, but I don't see novice cooks buying this book. But, it might well be a treasure...
  11. S

    Would you buy a cookbook with nutrition facts or one that does not...?

    If I were to purchase a cookbook with recipes from the 1800's, I wouldn't be concerned with nutritional information. I'd mostly be interested in the "old" recipes and cooking techniques. This is purely speculation, but I don't see novice cooks buying this book. But, it might well be a treasure...
  12. S

    Are there 'behind the scenes' politics in the senior section?

    I just don't know about any sort of behind the scene politics. I think "goldwing's answer pretty much says it all. I keep everything private because you never know who you are going to inspire to pester you. Bottom line..This is an entertainment site. I wouldn't take anything to seriously...
  13. S

    I need TV Converter box help. I'm electronically challenged. Ok. I'm

    downright stupid about this stuff. Here's what I know about my TV. I have a TV with rabbit ears. It works with a remote. It accepts my vcr/dvd player. It's got places to plug stuff into the front. I don't know what I'd plug in there. Some sort of game thing maybe? The book says it's cable...