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    connecting xbox 360 to Home theatre Panasonic blue ray!?

    I once successfully connected it and tested it but then had to switch and watch a movie. When I came back to connect the 360, i was never sufccessful. I have messed with the audio settings on the xbox, tv and blu-ray but no luck. If you have a detailed step by step on how to do this, I will be a...
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    Cleaned dryer vents but dryer won't start -engine hums but no rotation...?

    My maytag neptune dryer hasn't been working [24hrs] since I cleaned the lint trap. There is power to it and it tries to start but the components inside would not rotate. I had had this problem a year ago but the repair man came in and pressed the start button -magically it began working again. I...
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    Some other funny sayings?

    I was wondering if anyone has any other funny saying things that you would say when your in disbelief e.g. Are you shitting (pooing) on my balls.
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    famous people and blood diamonds?

    who are some famous people who have been caught or found to own blood diamonds that isn't Naomi Campbell
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    Which of the following statements about the pre-Christian cult of Mithra is false?

    I'm guessing it's the 3rd one because the 2nd is true and im pretty sure there were no woman in the military.
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    im going to meet her mom?? i need help to impress her!!!?

    within the next 2 weeks im going to meet this girls mom....i just wanna know what should i do to impress and make a good first impression and what do you all think she will ask me???? im 21 btw and my girl is 20
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    God Vs Satan? Bible prophecy fulfillment?

    Al Pacino (as satan) in the movie "the devil's advocate" states "who in their rights minds would say the 21st century wasn't entirely mine? the whole of it!" I know there are a lot of good things going on in the world (givings, good health, spiritual growth, love, etc) but @ the same time...
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    NES emulator for iphone?

    how do you put games in the nes emulator for the iphone or ipod touch. i looked at several sites and i dont know what they are talking about. i am not tech savvy. can you please keep any instructions simple? Thanks
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    Is this a good pick up line for ladies?

    "Hi I appreciate womens anatomies" Well a lesbian stated that in one of her questions. now I'm Wondering whether that line will work for dudes TS Slayer - I'm trying to go out with the girl - not ask for a kick on my balls If she was a feminist - will she sue me? Liltya - Should I say I...
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    Glenn Beck? what's your take on him/his show?

    some think he's smart and informative others think he's unstable and too much of a dramatist. I think he exagerates stuff but what do you think? Also please compare him to the likes of Larry King, Oreilly, Hannity, etc. Thanks
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    HDMI To F-Type Connection?

    is there anyway i can take an HDMI signal, And convert it to an F type connection, And maintain the high quality signal?
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    question about this universal remote blu-ray?

    does this remote work with my sony BDP-S350. I noticed the blu-ray player uses an IR frequency. will it work?
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    New with internet / computer security !!?

    A virus guard with internet protection like kaspersky 7 or above and spybot
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    stealing music is wrong!
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    stealing music is wrong!
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    Is YouTube the future of television?

    hardly, there are a lot of ppl that find TV watching on the computer unauthentic.
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    Is YouTube the future of television?

    hardly, there are a lot of ppl that find TV watching on the computer unauthentic.
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    Dark knight digital copy on ipod touch not working?

    It used to work but now all i see is a bunch of different colored lines and the apple logo flashes and then the screen turns green. The video worked fine last night and all other movies on my ipod work fine.
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    Larry King Vs Bill Oreilly?

    which do u prefer? why? while Larry lets u speak your mind even when he disagrees with u. Bill doesn't let you spill bull on his show. As these guyz are very different, i assume it shouldn't be a problem at all. Expand as much as u want please.