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  1. J

    interesting topics to write about for..?

    Aliens! Fact or Fiction? Why are there so many missing persons in the US? Can dogs see ghosts? Are dolphins really intelligent? Would you visit Mars?
  2. J

    Why is my Audi making sounds when I brake or stop?

    Okay, I have an Audi year 2000 and I just had the front brakes replaced with new rotors. Matter fact I had the control arms replaced and everything. Now I notice when I drive it, it makes and annoying sound like s screaking sound and it makes people turn their heads embarassing! I took it back...
  3. J

    Is eharmony wrong for excluding gays and lesbians?

    It's a private company with religious backing. Sort of like a private club. It's their rules. men looking for females and vs. There are many men only or women only groups out there and no one seems to mind except someone with a personal 'agenda' Why hassel to go there? There are plenty of...
  4. J

    a pick up line you noe is great?

    Haha pick up lines are the funniest thing in the world and only losers use them -jk- but here are a few i find hilarious "Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them." "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see!"
  5. J

    internet pop up problem..?

    i have vista and i can restore mine. if your scans are not taking care of it that would be your best bet. if you have the operating cd's it can be done.
  6. J

    one say yes one says no. can music be put on homepage?

    I have a bunch of groups and I know you used to be able to have music on Homepage.. is it still acceptable?
  7. J

    does anyone believe me when I say I herd the Fifth trumpet of God sound?

    You have a powerful imagination, and should write a book.
  8. J

    Is the introduction of Id cards a waste of taxpayers money?

    Everybody, including myself knows who I am. I don't want the government prying into my private life. And since id cards can be faked, criminals will also dislike them, since these might be used to track them. Gives the government an unfair advantage over criminals. Shouldn't be allowed.
  9. J

    Media Player help. Any advice would be great.?

    I have windows vista and my media player won't play any DVDs. Said i needed a compatible decoder. So i downloaded the vlc media player. For some reason it wants to play with about an inch wide picture down the middle of the screen. Does anybody know how i can get the media players to work right...
  10. J

    Why did Obama pick the unemployment rate in Iraq to talk about?

    You want him? Well you got him. I remain unimpressed that the best America has to offer its voters are a choice between the evil of two lessers. You really could not find anyone better?
  11. J

    Why did Obama pick the unemployment rate in Iraq to talk about?

    You want him? Well you got him. I remain unimpressed that the best America has to offer its voters are a choice between the evil of two lessers. You really could not find anyone better?