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  1. T

    9/11 Truthers: Did you believe in an international conspiracy before September 11th?

    actually i believe the question you want to ask is can someone be part of a conspiracy if they were not invited and assigned a part by " the conspirators" my answer is yes lets say i decided in my heart to take out bowling alleys (i hate the sound it makes when the ball crashes into those...
  2. T

    What's the best way to insult somebody's sense of humor on the internet?

    ask another stupid question on y/a? tmm
  3. T

    What does it mean that a Stationary bike gives off 30000 Watts?

    i haven't a clue but competition bicyclist require 5-8000 calories per day when racing they operate at about a 500 calorie per hour deficit. 7000 calories factored (1 wattsecond = 0.238 902 957 62 calorie [15° C]) equals only a bit over 1649 what seconds. so i do not know where the 30000 comes...
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    The way you walk determines your orgasim? On THE DR's Show?

    the theory is that the way you walk determines the rotation and motion of the pelvis . an approximate duplication of that motion during intercourse is going to be most natural for you and there fore the most pleasurable. i think it is just a scam to get laid. tmm
  5. T

    Do you view conspiracy theories with more suspicion than the government?

    there are no conspiracy theories just conspiracy's the biggest conspiracy of all is the so called government. tmm you read too much the media does not control me this message brought to you by the maker of...............
  6. T

    Do you view conspiracy theories with more suspicion than the government?

    there are no conspiracy theories just conspiracy's the biggest conspiracy of all is the so called government. tmm you read too much the media does not control me this message brought to you by the maker of...............
  7. T

    TIRES! will 195-70-r14 fit on rims that came with my tacoma truck that...

    70vs75 is your answer the only difference is a few mm of height. say 5 - 8 mm difference in the set of the car vs the original set. the 5 - 8 doesn't come from simple subtraction because the 70 and the 75 are one side of a ratio. it just happens to be about that much for the 190 sized tire.tmm
  8. T

    my husband sold his harley to a friend of 14

    i understand both sides of the coin but there is no real just and right answer. how much do you value your husband and how much does he value his friend. it is best if you don't cause him to have to choose. there will be no winners. tmm
  9. T

    religion and myth tell of 'ancients' having aerial wars in the 'sky's over the...' tell me yours? I am looking for references to ancient technologies and other than humans inhabiting this planet, or its atmosphere. Ghost, ancients, the old ones, the old gods, ufo's angels flaming chariots without horses. whatever you got.
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    Are you complaining about your cross being too heavy?

    if your cross is not too heavy you have the wrong one tmm
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    Curious? Bisexual? Lesbian? Please help it's really getting to me. Honest...

    i think you are working being real. good for you. i can't imagine wanting to kiss anyone other than a girl. girls are "safe"/ comfortable with other girls. is real life safe or comfortable. you can have one or the other or even both. you E-mail me
  12. T

    Why do Americans complain, China is getting richer and more powerful, when they...

    we are stupid, greedy and selfish and naive to boot. it will catch up with us sooner or later. i think we are hearing the giant sucking sounds even as we speak.