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  1. C

    Riding a stationary bike, walking and Pilate's?

    Okay so I have been doing 30 minutes of different type of Pilate's DVDs about five times a week. They are ten minute segments, but I usually do 3-5 of them through out the day. It is easier for me to get segments in rather than a whole 45 minute work out because I have a very active 10 1/2 month...
  2. C

    10 minute solution dvd's?

    I was thinking about buying some of the different 10 min. sol. DVD's off of ebay and start doing a different one every day. Do you think that they work? Are they really only 10 mins? I'll mix them up with a few other ones that are like 30 mins. and walk every day too. I just can't commit my self...