Search results

  1. M

    Is Judaism a community of faith or a tribe of related individuals?

    Jews don't prostelyze. They don't recruit. If you wish to join, you go to them and choose to join. You don't have to, either. If you are a good person, you still go to heaven. Eminently sensible religion, if you ask me. What all religions should mature into.
  2. M

    Have Republicans passed the President's jobs bill or are they still whining

    We've had enough socialism, in any form. They all need to leave my party (Democratic) and go back to their own. Enough of them. No, it won't pass, and if it does, I swear, I'll join the Tea Party myself or start my own darn party (I will not be a Republican).
  3. M

    Is there any atlernative to blame the Jews for everything bad tour?

    Ethics? How is that for an alternative?
  4. M

    Do you think that Atheism is a religion?

    No. However, anti-theists definitely have a belief system. Most atheists aren't needy. They have no need to come on a site like Yahoo! Answers to argue against religion any more than they haunt the holiday site to argue against the Easter Bunny. What you may be noticing are anti-theists...
  5. M

    Just what does religion have to do with running government?

    I would not vote for a religious President. I would not vote for a black President. I would not vote for a white President. I would not vote for an atheist President. I would not vote for a male, female, or any (fill in the blank) President. I WOULD vote for a President who happened to be...
  6. M

    Just what does religion have to do with running government?

    I would not vote for a religious President. I would not vote for a black President. I would not vote for a white President. I would not vote for an atheist President. I would not vote for a male, female, or any (fill in the blank) President. I WOULD vote for a President who happened to be...
  7. M

    What do people think about Marx's prediction of a bourgois revolution? Is it...

    I think he was utterly wrong. He predicted it would happen first in the United States. Failed utterly. This is Socialism's last stand, and they know it. The complacent way that fellow democrats have given up their ideals of free speech (even for Republicans), free expression (even for Tea...
  8. M

    For those who rant about the state of the government. What have you done to

    Spoken up about socialism for more than a decade. Voted for the most ethical and least socialist democrat I could find each time, even knowing they would lose. Devoted more than a thousand hours speaking up on the issue so far. How about you?
  9. M

    How many independents scooted to the left after Wilson whined last night?

    As an old-style democrat, I support free speech, and thus Wilson. Funny how many of you don't. Like I've said all along. We're not dealing with the Democrat party of old. We're dealing with barely concealed socialism. Sure took you republicans long enough to figure it out.
  10. M

    Why does Europe complain about the US so much?

    We are Europe's primary competitors for resources and markets. Why do people think our goal is to please them? They are never going to be pleased unless we handicap ourselves, lose markets to them, and smile while doing it. I am amazed that we think otherwise. When did we last cheer them...
  11. M

    Doesn't it concern you liberals that Wall Street, and the power companies...

    Taxing the rich, in almost any form, means higher costs for YOU. Money isn't magic. It comes from somewhere. The rich, the producers of products/services/jobs raise prices and lower wages to make up the difference, and anyone who buys from them has to raise the price of their own goods/services...
  12. M

    How can I feel more connected to God? (Christian answers only please)?

    I hope you will forgive my responding, as I am not a Christian, but can give you a very good Christian answer: Read the biographies of very religious, very spiritual Christians (Saints if you are Catholic, or even if you are not, since they were Christians before they were sainted as well)...
  13. M

    Who thinks Obama is reconsidering the whole President/celebrity and may wish he

    He is reconsidering. Any sane man would. He will follow through. Any patriotic man would. We do badly mistreat our Presidents. Any politically bigoted person would. Our Founding Fathers were not terrorists. They did not attack civilian targets. They did not use civilians as shields. They did...
  14. M

    Hi does the future vice/president of the US really believe that ?

    Proof? Is evolution the new religion? If you don't "believe it" then you are bad? What nonsense. I know that evolution is the best scientific theory that we have available to explain certain things. All sane scientists know that scientific theories are just that, theories, and not graven on...
  15. M

    Have you received a request from "Yahoo Team" for personal information because

    Have you received a request from "Yahoo Team" for personal information because you post in "Politics"? It's clearly a fake, but someone is demonstrating an amazing amount of political bigotry to a criminal extent. I encourage you to report it to Yahoo! Answers and also to any agencies against...
  16. M

    Does anyone other than myself believe that the Iraq war has been contrived to...

    Burma and Zimbabwe haven't tried to assassinate our President, attacked our allies, threatened our allies with WMDs. Their problems have been internal, leaving us unwilling to break their sovereignty by dealing with them militarily. Afghanistan and Iraq lost their sovereignty when they...