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  1. L

    My parents do not pay for anything? (Warning: huge rant)?

    Gee, i'm sorry you're going through this,and i don't have a real good answer. But i will say this,and i hope you will remember it -- guilt is for criminals and you're not one. You haven't done anything wrong and there is no reason for you to feel "guilty". Your life belongs to YOU, not your...
  2. L

    Do bells that are hung on doors really work for potty training a puppy?

    i never heard of using a bell. you can try taking the dog out on a daily routine/schedule. use treats and a catch phrase such as "big boy" at potty time. when he goes, say "big boy", immediately give the treat. after a couple days you can encourage him to go by saying "big boy" once in a...
  3. L

    When somebody makes jokes of rape?

    People are sometimes afraid of things they don't understand. I would say this girl was never raped. I was sexually assaulted before, and i don't find it remotely funny, and would never make a joke of it. Because of my experience, i have encountered others who have gone through the same...
  4. L

    Feel like a laughing stock...?

    If you are dealing with issues that have stopped you from having what you'd consider a normal life, why not consider therapy? Perhaps you can come to terms with whatever-it-is that you have endured in life, learn to cope in a more positive way, and move forward with things. Once in a while we...
  5. L

    How I do I talk my wife into adding another woman into our relationship.?

    I suppose if you want your wife's approval, tell her you disrepect her and the marriage and you want to sleep with her friend. I'm sure she'll understand, as she boots you out the door.
  6. L

    MY Brother smokes weed and it has changed him i always look up to him?

    if you are concerned about his mental health then talk to your parents in private.
  7. L

    How long should you wait to introduce the kids to "friends"?

    Since you're getting a divorce, then your wife is a free woman, and can do whatever she likes. It's up to her discretion whether she has a "friend" in her life or not.. it's no one else's choice, and we can't do anything about who our EX sees, or the choices they make Personally, if i dated...
  8. L

    What is it like traveling with your husband/boyfriend in a big truck?

    I did this several times with a friend. It was nice to see other places, but taking a shower at a truck stop, not having much indoor space to relax, no running water available at all times, etc., got to be a drag. I didn't like it. But you might. You will never know til you try.
  9. L

    Met a guy at a bar, is he interested? Am I playing too hard to get?

    Well, i don't know if it was a booty call or not. I wouldn't bother to contact him either... if he hasn't called, then it's his problem. Nothing wrong with casual sex from time to time, either... just be careful
  10. L

    Is it a good thing to force a child to play sports or ride a bike if

    so the mother is over-compensating because the boy doesn't have a dad. i have a son whose father wasn't in the picture, either, and i let him do what he found interesting. he was a good wrestler. he tried baseball but didn't like it, and was never interested in football at all. i never...
  11. L

    My husband has NO sense of humor. He is so insulting to me when I crack a...

    some people have no sense of humor and just don't "get" things. i have no idea why.... stop being sarcastic for a while and see if things improve.
  12. L

    9 yr old daughter is afraid of everything and still whines all the time?

    Does someone else in the household whine over things all the time? She could be emulating an adult's behavior. Or, whining and crying may work for her when she wants her way, so it's a bad habit. she probably doesn't even know why she does it. I can understand wanting a light left on and...
  13. L

    Is it ok for a 14 year old boy to use electronic cigarettes?

    the "water vapor" contains nicotine, and a few other chemicals. so you'd become addicted to nicotine.
  14. L

    Divorced and the father of my child doesn't always have the best interest of my son

    You and your ex are the child's father, like it or not -- and you CAN NOT control where he takes the child while he has visitation. It's a gun show, not a shoot out! Just let it alone. If you raise a big fuss over a gun show in court, the judge is going to think of you as some sort of...
  15. L

    What's the best way to introduce a kitten to the outdoors/other cats?

    Dex needs to stay indoors... too much chance for him to get disease from other cats... feline leukemia is one, and even if your pet is vaccinated, they can still get the illness.. it's a very harsh illness and tough death. Cars and dogs can kill cats. I'd advise an indoor life. It won't...
  16. L

    How do I overcome my past to move on with my future?

    Do you mean you have pent up, angry emotions? I guess i don't understand... but if your emotional condition is affecting your daily life, maybe talk with a therapist for a while. It can be healing to talk with a neutral party, and therapy does work when we work it. I don't understand why your...
  17. L

    I have a troubled 12 yr old brother where can i look for help?

    Where are your parents? They are responsible for his well-being -- physical and mental. Maybe they need to be alerted, if they are too busy to notice he is troubled.
  18. L

    I met my girlfriends mum on Friday, she gave me the talk?

    it ought to happen more often. i am sure it was no reflection on you -- your girlfriend's mom just wants to make sure her daughter is safe.
  19. L

    I met my girlfriends mum on Friday, she gave me the talk?

    it ought to happen more often. i am sure it was no reflection on you -- your girlfriend's mom just wants to make sure her daughter is safe.
  20. L

    What should I do about my future Monster-In-Law from HELL?

    You need to apologize to your boyfriend. While she is his mother, he is not entitled to stick up for you and confront his mother for you.. not ever. You need to handle your own issues with others. Even if it's his mother. You might set limits and personal boundaries for yourself. You can...