Search results

  1. M

    whats the charge for switching phones in verizon wireless?

    If you're still in contract you'll have to pay full price for the phone. There will be no discounts. If you have insurance, call customer care, and they may be able to furnish you with something "comparable". But more than likely it won't be the Rogue.
  2. M

    Sell warrenty LG VU llegal or not??

    The Phone through AT&T does NOT have a locking feature like that. So if you were to put your sim card in it, it would work. So basically, you can sell the phone to someone else. Once the phone has been lost or stolen, it's written off as a loss. Luckily for your case, you had the insurance...
  3. M

    iPhone or LG Vu or Samsung Eternity?

    I'll make it easy for you. Style: All three similar. Bar style touch Features: iPhone has more application space Space: iPhone has 8 and 16 GB handsets Best Phone to Knowledge: LG Vu Prices (RS/AT&T) LG Vu: RS 29.99/ AT&T 49.99/79.99 Eternity: RS...
  4. M

    Sprint/Nextel Customers..plz? easy 10 pts!!?

    There is a better selection online. RadioShack actually has better phones than you'll find in the sprint store. My recommendation: either the Samsung Rant or LG Lotus.
  5. M

    ATT Users! Help Please!?

    Multimedia messages are 40 cents pay per use.
  6. M

    Do Cingular or AT+T have free minutes on labor day?

    no. Labor Day is still a week day.
  7. M

    I want to get a Iphone 3g!!?

    ask customer service about it. They should be able to override to give you your iPhone upgrade. According to CS, because it became new before your contract ended, you should be allowed one upgrade as long as you renew your contract for the 2 years, and add on the months that you haven't used...
  8. M

    Can I Set Recorded Audio As Ringtone On LG CU515?

    On the LG Shine, it's possible.
  9. M

    in the last 2 years has the cheapest contract/plan for AT@T/CINGULAR gone up in

    cheapest rate plan for AT&T is still 29.99, hasn't changed since 2004
  10. M

    where can i buy an lg shine?

    RadioShack (with qualifying 2 year agreement)
  11. M

    Web Browsing No Data Plan For Sprint?

    For you to be free on the web at all (including the sprint store) you need the data plan. Otherwise it's 1 penny per KB. It adds up... quickly
  12. M

    What phone should i get? Im on att and i am willing to spend up to $300.?

    Palm Centro > Blackberry Pearl > Blackberry Curve > LG VU
  13. M

    How can I get out of my ATT cingular contract early. I dont even have...

    Plead coverage area. That's the best way. You're never "stuck". Read your service contract "HEAVILY" If anything in that contract is off, you can easily nullify.
  14. M

    If i buy an iPhone from USA, does it come with a contract or can i take it

    It's 199 with a new contract. 399 without.