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  1. C

    Can you play an ultra violet digital copy dvd in a regular dvd player?

    What is the difference in an ultra violet digital copy dvd and just a regular dvd? I don't have a blue ray dvd player if it has anything to do with that.
  2. C

    Does having a blue-ray player increase my chances of hooking up with a good looking

    girl? I am thinking of purchasing a blue-ray player for the simple fact that I may be able to attract a lady who may be hanging out with a better looking guy. Would the blue-ray player give me a significant advantage in terms of having her watch the movie on my state of the art technology rather...
  3. C

    Play divx videos without using divx?

    I wanna play videos on like stagevu, but when i download divx and play the videos it crashes my browser. Is there any alternative that i can download to play streaming divx videos on stagevu?
  4. C

    Would you try this new "birth pain management" gizmo?

    HAHAHAHA on oldie but a goodie...welcome back btw!
  5. C

    Why is (Jay Leno) ripping mad today ?

    He "gave" away tickets to a concert he was holding for the beleaguered, and down trodden out of work people and instead of being grateful, they sold the tickets on ebay for MONEY. Damn them for wanting to put food on the table instead of going to see Jay Leno.
  6. C

    Why is (Jay Leno) ripping mad today ?

    He "gave" away tickets to a concert he was holding for the beleaguered, and down trodden out of work people and instead of being grateful, they sold the tickets on ebay for MONEY. Damn them for wanting to put food on the table instead of going to see Jay Leno.
  7. C

    Should the Religious Right swoop down on AIG with a dose of religion to enable

    No, we have been bamboozled by the Obama administration. These bonuses were signed off on last YEAR! The idiots who signed off on the bailout knew about the bonuses a long time ago, and if they were not smart enough to re-negotiate this before the bailout, the Obama administration is raping the...
  8. C

    Which politician or 'celebrity' would you like to throw green custard at?

    I would like to be like the great Santino and throw stones at Obama, because he is the ruination of America. However I would not like to be castrated for doing so.
  9. C

    Why aren't these celebrities considered black?

    Good question for the people who INSIST on labeling biracial people ONE race. The people who say they don't care are the ones who are part of the problem of the unjust and often racist mislabeling of biracial people. It does not matter what biracial people "look" like - they are what they are...
  10. C

    For those who are upset octuplet mom draws welfare?

    check this out, she started a website to ask for donations. She also does not think that drawing disability and food stamps is considered welfare. Thoughts.
  11. C

    Have you ever called?

    That and much more, just called my partner a tool
  12. C

    Why was sudamm hussain hung?

    The US turned him over to the current(at that time) Iraq administration in which they charged him in their own courts with multiple murder, and found him guilty and the government of Iraq chose hanging as his death sentence.
  13. C

    if I see a black child playing with the doll "snow white" should I complain

    My neighbors named their child Snowe and their last name is White, think she will be sued for being racist. The whole thing is retarded. The world is going to crap and people are complaining about the color and name of a frickin doll.
  14. C

    Why re These So-called "Celebs" Breaking The Yahoo Guidelines?

    You should have put so called in all caps, this guy is talentless, do not waste any more energy on it.
  15. C

    What do you think of Prof. Panarin's prediction?

    When your on top, there will always be those that want to bring you down. Don't worry about it.
  16. C

    2006 mini cooper owners only-what is the best all season tire to get?

    My tires have worn down at 20,000 miles and I want to get nice new tires with stability/sport/control/sound proof. Do I have to stick to the 15" specs or can I go 95/60 and get sporty new cool ones? What worked best for you?
  17. C

    when you dream, what kind of food do you dream about?

    spaghetti and meatballs....that I like messy food, or it could be that mylife is full of long stringy complicated obstacles that are preventing me from succeeding in life....hahahaha
  18. C

    What is myspace and facebook exactly?

    For some its their whole life, usually kids and young adults, not as mature as being on CE on a Friday night...hehehe.
  19. C

    What safeguards should there be in place on the internet, to prevent live

    I am stumped on that one. How sad and pathetic that people would egg him on.